meiosis Flashcards
Somatic cells
body cells, they are diploid, 2N
sex cells, these are haploid, and (egg and sperm)
diploid cells
two full sets of chromosomes
One set for Mom and a set from Dad
in human somatic cells, 2N =
haploid cells
one full set of chromosomes
only one set that is a combination of chromosomes from mom and dad
carry traits that make you who you are
the first 22 pairs of chromosomes
sex chromosomes
carry traits that make you who you are and determine your biological sex, the 23rd pair of chromosomes
diagram that shows the number and visual appearance of the chromosomes in a cell
meiosis def
the process of cell division that makes gametes in the gonads Which produces haploid sex cells
sexual reproduction
organisms that reproduce sexually fuse the genetic information from two parents to produce offspring that are a genetic mixture of both parents
the actual Fusion of an egg and sperm to form as zygote
Homologous chromosomes
chromosome pair that have the same types of genes one from Mom one from Dad
sister chromatids
two identical copies of the same chromosome
purpose of meiosis
meiosis is the process of creating gametes
before meiosis 1 what happens
Interphase def and parts
The growth phase of the cell cycle
Gap one phase = cell grows and makes proteins
Synthesis face= DNA replication occurs, doubling the number of chromosomes
Gap Two Phase= More sell growth and protein synthesis
Meiosis I
The separation of homologous chromosomes
Prophase 1: nuclear membrane breaks down, centrioles separate and make spindle fibers, homologous chromosome’s pair up
Metaphase 1:Homologous chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cells in pairs
Anaphase 1:Homologous chromosome pairs separate and are pulled away to each side of the cell, sister chromatids remain attached
Telophase 1: chromosomes gather at the poles, nuclear membrane May reform, cytoplasm divides into 2 cells
Result: To halfway daughter cells with duplicated chromosomes that are different from the set and the original diploid cell
Meiosis 2
Separation of sister chromatids
prophase 2: nuclear membrane breaks down, some spindle fibers form and attached to the centromeres of the sister chromatids
Metaphase 2: sister chromatids line up in the middle of the cell
Anaphase 2: sister chromatid separate and are pulled away from each other to each side of the cells
telophase 2: Nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes, spindle fibers dissolve, cytoplasm divides each cell into two cells
Result: 4 haploid daughter cells that are genetically unique
Mitosis- what, when, where, why, how, result, type of reproduction
what- creation of diploid somatic cells
When- throughout your life
Where- throughout the body
Why- for growth and repair
How- PMAT once
Results- two identical diploid somatic cells
type of reproduction- asexual
Meiosis- what, when, where, why, how, result, type of reproduction
what- creation of haploid sex cells
When- females: before you are born; males: throughout your life
Where- in ovaries and testes
why- to make babies
How- PMAT twice
Result- for Unique haploid gametes
type of reproduction- sexual