Medical Terminology Focus Points- Respiratory System Flashcards
Are found in the lungs, respiratory tract and middle ear. Have a rhythmic waving or beating motion
Brady means?
Firm, whitish, flexible, connective tissue found in various forms in the larynx and respiratory tract, in structures such as the external ear, and the articulating surfaces of joints
Resilient and smooth elastic tissue, a rubber like padding that covers and protects the ends of long bones at the joints and is structural component in many parts of the body.
Dys means ?
ex: Dyspnea- difficult in breathing
EU means ?
Good, well
combining form
Property of cells, tissues, and organisms that allows the maintenance and regulation of the stability and consistently needed to function properly
Ex; Regulating body temperature
What does Tachy mean?
ex: tachycardia: rapid heartbeat
A build up of fluid between the tissues that line the lungs and the chest
Pleural Effusion
Located between the lungs T1-T12
The action of listening to sounds from the heart, lungs, or other organs typically with a stethoscope
Method of tapping body parts with fingers, hands or small instrument as part of a physical examination
What does COPD stand for?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A group of lung disease that block air flow and make it difficult to breath, most common conditions that make up this disease is emphysema and chronic bronchitis
COPD- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lung causing the lung difficulty breathing
Inflammation of lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs
Chronic bronchitis
long-term progressive disease of the lungs that primarily causes shortness of breath due to over inflammation of the alveoli
Air sacs in the are called ________?
Is the delicate membrane that covers the surface of each lung, and dips into the fissures between the lobes of the lung
Visceral Pleura
Is the outer membrane which is attached to the inner surface of the thoracic cavity “also separates the pleura cavity from the mediastinum”
Parietal Pleura
Infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may fill with fluid
The inhalation of air into the lungs “breathing in”
The act of releasing air “breathing out or letting carbon dioxide out”
Complete or partial collapse of the lung or area of it occurs when tiny air sacs (alveoli) become deflated or filled with alveolar fluid
Nasogastric tube ( a tube that is passed through the nose and to the stomach)
Tonsils are a set of lymphoid organs facing into the aerodigestive tract
A condition of deficient supply of oxygen to the body that arises from abnormal breathing
ex; asphyxia is choking
An absence of enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions
Throat (pharynx) wit
combining forms