Chapter 17 Digestive System HW Flashcards
What organ secretes bile?
The liver secrets and produces bile
What organ stores bile?
The gallbladder stores then releases bile
Where are carbohydrates digested?
Begins in the mouth using salivary amylase then duodenum using pancreatic amylase, then in the intestines
Name the enzymes responsible
intestinal sucrase, maltase and lactase
Explain the function of mucus in the digestive tract
The mucous protects the tissues and buffers the acid chyme and facilitates the passage of the contents along the tub
Where are fat-soluble vitamins?
Vitamins that do not require digestion but are absorbed with the fats.
Ex: Vitamins A, D, E and K
What are water-soluble vitamins
Vitamins that diffuse into the blood
Ex: Vitamins B and C
What classification of drug is Compazine
Antiemetic (prevents vomiting)
What part of the tongue is considered the base?
The posterior 1/3
A herniation or out-pouching of the mucosa through the muscle layer of the colon wall, frequently in the sigmoid colon
Diverticula (plural)- Diverticulum (singular)
An asymptomatic diverticular disease
The surgical removal of part of an organ or structure from the body
A surgical connection of two tubes.
Ex: after resection of the colon, the two ends of the remaining colon are surgically connected
Persistent spasms of the rectum associated with a need to defecate
A surgical creation of an artificial opening onto the surface of the abdomen
Medical examination of the colon using an endoscope
A hole through the wall of a tube or hollow structure
An abnormal mass of swollen tissue that occurs internally in the anal canal or externally around the anus
A band of fibrous scar tissue forming an abnormal connection between two surfaces or structures
The formation of gallstones, which are masses of solid material or calculi that form in the bile
A whitish plaque or epidermal thickening of the mucosa that occurs on the buccal mucosa, palate, lower lip or tongue
Oral Leukoplakia
Waves of involuntary contractions that pass along the walls of a hollow tube.
The insertion of a nasogastric plastic tube through the nose and throat, down into the stomach. A nasogastric tube is used for feeding and administering drugs
Nasogastric Intubation
The destruction/crushing of calculi (stones) such as kidney stones or gallstones. May use high energy shock waves to break the stones into fragments
A medical examination of the gastrointestinal tract using an endoscope tool
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
X-rays are taken of the colon following the administration of a contrast medium (barium sulfate) via an enema through the rectum
Lower gastrointestinal series, Barium enema
Group of blood tests that provide information about the state of a person’s liver by looking at the levels of certain liver enzymes in the blood
Explain liver function tests
A series of x-rays are taken to examine the gastrointestinal tract for abnormalities following the ingestion of a contrast medium, such as barium sulfate mixed with water. The barium which appears white on the film enhances the visibility of the relevant parts of the gastrointestinal tract by coating the inside wall tract.
Upper gastrointestinal series, barium swallow
Exocrine glands are glands that secrete their products into ducts as opposed to endocrine glands which secrete their products directly into the bloodstream. The exocrine function of the pancreases aids in digestion by secreting pancreatic juices into the duodenum
Exocrine (as it relates to the pancreas)
Behind the peritoneal membrane against the abdominal wall
A double layer of peritoneum that supports the intestines and conveys blood vessels and nerves to supply the wall of the intestine
A physician specializing in diagnosis and treatment of the stomach and intestines
GI Drugs
Antacids, Antiemetics, Laxatives, Antidiarrheals, Antispasmodics
Irritable bowel syndrome
Gastroesophageal Reflex disease