Maluma - Cosas Pendientes Flashcards


te vi en la disco perreando con otro
I saw you at the club dancing with someone else

Pero pusieron el disco que era de nosotros
But they played the song that was ours

Me miraste a los ojos, te reíste
You looked me in the eyes, you smiled

Ya con eso todo me dijiste
And with that, you told me everything

Pensaba que me superaste porque no volviste
I thought you had gotten over me because you didn’t come back

Al parecer la baby no me olvidó, sigue pendiente
It seems the girl hasn’t forgotten me, she’s still watching

Quiere ignorarme, pero es que la tensión se ve, se siente
She wants to ignore me, but the tension is obvious, it’s felt

Si le pregunta’ que si ya me olvidó y dice que sí, te miente
If you ask her if she’s forgotten me and she says yes, she’s lying

No es un secreto que entre ella y yo quedaron cosas pendiente’
It’s no secret that there are unresolved things between her and me


Quedaron cosas pendiente’, una noche caliente, una cena romántica (Sí)

There were unresolved things, a hot night, a romantic dinner (Yeah)

¿Por qué me ves diferente? Delante ‘e la gente te hace’ la antipática (Ah)
Why do you look at me differently? In front of people, you act cold (Ah)

Quieres quedar como la buena, mami
You want to come off as the good one, baby

Tú sabe’ que eso sigue siendo pa’ mí
You know that this still belongs to me

Mirando fotos, en las tuya’ caí
Looking at photos, I ended up on yours

Y no te niego, cariñito me di
And I won’t deny it, I felt a little something

No sé por qué lo intentaste con el siguiente
I don’t know why you tried with the next guy

Si para superarme no está preparada
If you’re not ready to get over me

La huella que te dejé sigue permanente
The mark I left on you is still permanent

Como tatuaje, eso ya no lo borra nada
Like a tattoo, nothing can erase it now

¿Será que te hago falta, bebé?
Could it be that you miss me, baby?

Que él no te llena con na’
That he doesn’t satisfy you at all

Que me olvidaste juré
That you swore you forgot me

How well did you know this?
Not at all
How well did you know this?
Not at all