male reproductive system: exam 3 Flashcards
what is the sac made of smooth muscle covered in skin consisting of connective tissue that hangs from the the rod of the penis, holds testes and epididymis?
the scrotum
what is the ridge of tissue running on mid-line outside of the scrotum?
the raphe
what is deep to the raphe and is an internal wall made of muscle and connective tissue that splits the scrotum into two sacs?
the septum
what does the dartos muscle do and where is it located?
it constricts the scrotum and causes it to shrink and wrinkle and it is located in the wall of the scrotum
what muscle pulls the testes closer to wall of pelvis?
the cremaster muscle
what are the testes?
they are oval glands in the scrotum that produce sperm and hormones
what is the serous membrane that is the outer covering of connective tissue (the testes)?
the tunica vaginalis
what is the capsule of white fibrous connective tissue deep to the tunica vaginalis it sends extensions (septa) into teste to divide teste into chambers called lobules?
tunica albugenia
what are the seminiferous tubules?
they are long coiled tubes inside each lobule sperm forms here.
what is in the wall of the semineferous tubule that becomes sperm and end up in tube?
spermatogenic cells
what takes care of developing sperm also in the wall of semineferous tubule?
sustentacular cells
what is the interstitial endocrinocytes?
it is located between the coils of the semineferous tubules they are cells that secrete hormones into the blood
what are ducts of the male reproductive system?
they are a set of tubes that take sperm from the teste to the outside world
what are the ducts in the teste?
testicular ducts
what takes sperm out of semineferous tubules and leads to the rete testis?
the straight tubules
what is the rete testis?
a mazelike set of tubes at edge of teste
where is the epididymis located?
it is on posterior superior of teste surface
what is the head of the epididymis?
it is the thick superior region
what is the thinner middle area of the epididymis?
the body
what is the tail of the epididymis?
it is the most inferior portion and it joins the ductus deferens
what is the efferent ducts?
it leads from the rete testis to the ductus epididymis
what is the long duct coiled through the head, body, and tail and joins the ductus deferenes? (sperm can be stored here for 6 weeks)
the ductus epididymis
what leads from the tail of the epididymis exits out of the scrotum (in spermatic cord) and enters body cavity through lower abdominal muscles and back into pelvic cavity, over top of bladder, ends at inferior posterior of bladder then joins the ejaculatory duct?
the ductus deferens
what is the ejaculatory duct?
it is a short tube that joins the urethra in the prostate gland
what leads from the ejaculatory duct to the outside world? it has 3 parts.
the urethra
what is the prostatic urethra?
it is the first part of the urethra through the prostate gland
what is the middle section and is the short part of the urethra that runs through urogenital diaphragm muscle?
membranous urethra
what is the penile (spongy) urethra?
runs through section of penis called corpus spongiosum, ends at external urethral orifice
what are the seminal vesicles?
two glands on posterior/inferior of bladder. they empty fluid into ejaculatory duct, fluid allows sperm to swim, it contains alkaline chemicals, enzymes, and fructose(food)
what is a donut shaped gland around the urethra, inferior to bladder, adds more fluid to the semen, citric acid(food), and more enzymes?
prostate gland
what is the bulbourethral gland?
at the root of the penis (inside), puts an alkaline liquid into the urethra before the sperm arrives (neutalizes acid in penis so sperm dont burn and die)
what puts sperm into the female reproductive tract
what are the bands of connective tissue to hold the penis in place?
ligaments of the penis (2)
what is continuous with the fascia of the penis and supports weight of the penis?
fundiform ligament
what is the suspensory ligament?
helps support penis like fundiform ligament
what is the body(shaft) of the penis?
most of the mass of the penis above the skin. wrapped in smooth muscle, connective tissue, and skin. made of 3 cylinders of erectile tissue.
what is the corpus spongiosum of the body of the penis?
it is the inferior mass of erectile tissue contains the urethra.
what is the 2 superior masses of erectile tissue ?
corpora cavernosa
what is the root of the penis?
it is the part that is deep in the body
what is the bulb of the penis?
it is part (extension) of the corpus spongiosum deep into pelvic cavity
what is the crura of the penis?
deep parts of the corpora cavernosa, attach to pubic bones
what is the glans of the penis?
the distal tip, made of the corpus spongiosum
what is a fold of sin over glans?
what is the external urethral orifice?
part of the glans of the penis