endocrine system: exam 4 (final) Flashcards
where is the pituitary gland located?
it is 2 glands in one. attached to the hypothalamus by a stalk called the infundibulum
what is the anterior pituitary gland?
anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) is made of secretory epithelium blood flow to adenohypophysis travels from hypothalamus through hypophyseal portal system
what is the posterior pituitary gland?
(neurohypophysis) made of neural tissue connected to hypothalamus by nerve fibers hypothamalic-hypophseal tract
what gland sits on top of the kidney?
the adrenal gland
what is the structure of the kidney?
it is has 2 glands in one
what is the adrenal cortex?
it is part of the adrenal cortex is part of the adrenal gland made of secretory epithelium
what is the adrenal medulla?
part of the adrenal gland. inner part of adrenal gland made of neural tissue, cell bodies with no axons
gets input from preganglionic axons that exit spinal cord in ventral rami of spinal nerves t6-t11
what gland sits on the anterior of trachea just below larynx?
the thyroid gland
what is the structure of the thyroid gland?
has 2 thymic lobes connected by isthmus made of secretory epithelium
what are the 4 tiny glands that are located at the lateral edges of the thymic lobes and are made of secretory epithelium?
parathyroid glands
where are the pancreatic islets located?
in the pancreas make up 1 % of epithelial cells secrete hormones into the blood
pineal gland
see notes on brain
what is the location of the thymus gland?
superficial to heart medial to lungs
what are the gonads in males?
the testes- makes sperm and male hormones (testosterone)
what helps t-cells/ lymphocytes mature?
thymus gland