brain: exam 4 (final) Flashcards
what are cranial bones?
brain is inside cavity formed by cranial bones
what are cranial meninges?
membrane wrapping the brain its 3 layers outside to in is: dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia matter
what is dura matter?
it is the outer most layer and the strongest of the meninges has a thick periosteal layer (attaches to inner surface of skull), and a thinner meningeal layer (meninges)
what is the middle layer of the meninges has a space filled with fluid, fibrous connective tissue, and blood vessels?
arachnoid mater (layer) (meninges)
what is the inner most layer right against the brain tissue composed of connective tissue and tiny blood vessels?
pia mater (meninges)
what are hollow areas of the brain?
the ventricles hollow fluid filled chambers in the brain all connected to each other the
what are the 2 āCā shaped chambers in the cerebrum
lateral ventricles (hollow area of brain)
what is the 3rd ventricle?
it is the thin hollow area in diencephalon (hollow area of brain)
what is a tube in the mid-brain that connects the 3rd and 4th ventricle?
cerebral aqueduct (hollow areas of brain)
what is the 4th ventricle?
hollow space between pons and cerebellum, connects to central canal of spinal cord (hollow areas of brain)
what is the term for all ventricles that are connected to each other and space in arachnoid layer, cerebral spinal fluid circulates through all these spaces?
circulation (hollow areas of brain)
what is the lowest brain area,joins the spinal cord?
medulla oblongata (brain stem)
what are the pyramids of the brain?
they are part of the medulla oblongata- bulges on ventral side, are motor tracts
what is the decussation of pyramids?
pyramids cross from one side of brain to other side of spinal cord (medulla oblongata/brainstem)
what is the right and left nucleus gracilis and the right and left nucleus cuneatus?
these receive sense input from spinal cord (medulla oblongata/brain stem)
what controls heart and blood pressure?
cardiovascular center (medulla oblongata/brain stem)
what is the respiratory center?
controls breathing with pons (medulla oblongata/brain stem)
what is the olives of brain?
they are projections on lateral surfaces (medulla oblongata/brain stem)
what part of the brain is located superior to the medulla oblongata inferior to mid brain?
the pons
what does the apneustic and the pneumotaxic center do?
both of these help the medulla oblongata control breathing
where is the mid brain located?
it is the most superior part of brain stem superior to pons, inferior to diencephalon
what is the cerebral peduncles?
they are on ventral surface, nerve fibers connecting to upper brain (midbrain)
what runs through the mid brain?
the cerebral aqueduct (midbrain)
what is tectum?
it is on the dorsal surface of midbrain
what are the 4 bumps on the tectum?
corpora quadrigemina (midbrain)
what is the 2 superior bumps , process visual reflex stimuli?
superior colliculi (midbrain)
what is the inferior colliculi?
they are the inferior 2 bumps, processes auditory reflex stimuli (midbrain)
what processes motor information, supresses unwanted motions, smoothes out muscle movements?
substantia nigra (midmbrain)
what is the red nucleus?
deep to substatia nigra. fibers from cerebrum and cerebellum join here (midbrain)
what is cerebral spinal fluid?
fluid inside hollow areas of CNS and in arachnoid matter. its purpose is to protect the brain and spinal cord