Macbeth Act 3 Flashcards
Question: What is the setting of Act 3, Scene 1?
Answer: The royal palace at Forres.
Question: Who paces and contemplates the prophecies of the witches in Act 3, Scene 1?
Answer: Banquo.
Question: Whom does Macbeth hire to kill Banquo and Fleance?
Answer: Murderers.
Question: In Act 3, Scene 2, who expresses despair and sends a servant to fetch her husband?
Answer: Lady Macbeth.
Question: What does Macbeth plan to do during the feast in Act 3, Scene 2?
Answer: Eliminate threats to his throne by arranging Banquo’s murder.
Question: Where does Banquo’s murder take place in Act 3, Scene 3?
Answer: In a wooded park outside the palace.
Question: Who escapes the murderers in Act 3, Scene 3?
Answer: Fleance.
Question: In Act 3, Scene 4, who sees Banquo’s ghost at the feast?
Answer: Macbeth.
Question: What does Hecate plan to do to deceive Macbeth in Act 3, Scene 5?
Answer: Summon visions and spirits to fill him with a false sense of security.
What does Banquo do before attending the feast he was invited to?
Scene 1
Banquo accepts their invitation and says that he plans to go for a ride on his horse for the afternoon.
What’s the issue that Macbeth wants to discuss with Banquo?
Scene 1
Macbeth mentions that they should discuss the problem of Malcolm and Donalbain. The brothers have fled from Scotland and may be plotting against his crown.
What is Banquo thinking about whilst pacing around in the royal Palace of Foress?
Scene 1
Banquo paces and thinks about the coronation of Macbeth and the prophecies of the weird sisters. If the first prophecy came true, Banquo thinks, why not the second?
What is the soliloquoy that Macbeth starts after the servant has gone to fetch men who came to meet him?
Scene 1
He muses on the subject of Banquo, reflecting that his old friend is the only man in Scotland whom he fears. He notes that if the witches’ prophecy is true, his will be a “fruitless crown,” by which he means that he will not have an heir.
Who are the men that the servant went to fetch?
Scene 1
Macbeth reminds the two men, who are murderers he has hired, of a conversation he had with them the day before, in which he chronicled the wrongs Banquo had done them in the past.
They finna kill Banquo
Who says that he might have a fruitless crown?
Scene 1
Macbeth notes that if the witches’ prophecy is true, his will be a “fruitless crown,”
Who says that their mind is full of scorpions (because of the discontent)?
Scene 2
Who planned “a deed of dreadful note” for Banquo and Fleance?
Scene 2
Who was killed by the murders?
Scene 3
Banquo only
Why is Macbeth angry, although Banquo was killed?
Scene 4
Because Fleance wasn’t killed
Who said “the worm that’s fled / Hath nature that in time will venom breed” and why?
Scene 4
Macbeth, because Fleance wasn’t killed
Why did Macbeth seem insane?
Scene 4
Because he saw Banquo’s ghost in the banquet
Who said “I have a strange infirmity which is nothing / To those that know me”, and why?
Scene 4
Macbeth, because he appeared ti be going crazy.
Who says “blood will have blood”?
Scene 4
Who does Macbeth plan to meet in order to know more about his future?
Scene 4
The witches
Who says “I am in blood / Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o’er” ?
Scene 4
What does Hecate, the leader of witches declare the three witches should do upon meeting Macbeth?
Scene 5
She tells them to send spirits and visions to fill him with a false sense of security and “draw him on to his confusion”.
Who in Scotland walks in talking about what happened to the kingdom?
Scene 6
Lennox and another guy
Who was thought to be the person who killed Banquo, and why?
Scene 6
Fleance, probably because he fled
What do Lennox and the other guy suspect of Macbeth?
Scene 6
That he killed Banquo and King Duncan, whom they called a tyrant
What does the other guy tell Lennox?
Scene 6
The lord tells Lennox that Macduff has gone to England, where he will join Malcolm in pleading with England’s King Edward for aid.
What does Macbeth plan after hearing the plans?
Scene 6
He plans for war
What are Lennox and the other guy hopeful of?
Scene 6
Lennox and the guy express their hope that Malcolm and Macduff will be successful and that their actions can save Scotland from Macbeth.