Chemistry 9.1 Flashcards
What is the localized electron model?
It’s the most widely used simple model for covalent bonding, and it views a molecule as a collection of atoms bound together by sharing electrons between their atomic orbitals.
The arrangement of valence electrons is represnted by the lewis stucture
and the molecular goemetry can be predicted by the VSEPR model.
What’s useful about using a bonding mode?
It’s a means for systematizing chemistry by allowing us to look at molecules in temrs of individual bonds.
How can molecular structure be predicted?
By minimizing electron pair repulsions.
What is hybridization?
It’s combining multiple orbitals to create special hybrid orbitals for bonding
What information do the orbitals tell you?
It points out the most probable location of an electron
What’s an s orbital?
A spherical shape
What can electrons behave as?
Particles or waves
What’s a p orbital and what are the different types?
It’s an 8 shape. There can be py, pz, and px.
What are the three steps in desrcibing the bonding of a molecule?
- Writing the Lewis structure
- Determining the arrangement of electron pairs using the VSEPR model
- Determining the hybrid atomic orbitals needed to describe the bonding in a molecule
What type of bond requires electrons?
Covalent bonds
Elements on the right side of the periodic table like to what?
They like to aqcuire electrons because of the octet rule (they want 8 v. electrons)
Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine.
Elements on the left side of the periodic table like to what?
They are more likely to lose electrons
Bromine and beryllium
Regarding the lewis structure, the number of bonds some special atoms have corresponds to what? And what are those special atoms?
It corresponds to the number of electrons it wants/wants to get rid of. The atoms are chlorine, nitrogen, fluorine, oxygen, bromine and beryllium.
Draw the lewis structure for NH3
Draw the lewis structure for O2
Draw the lewis structure for C2H2
Draw the lewis structure for H2O
Draw the lewis structure for N2H2
Draw the lewis structure for CH4
What does VSPER stand for?
Valence shell electron repulsion