M1: Urine Sediments (Part 2) Flashcards
Bacteria, Yeast Cells, Parasites, Sperm, Mucus
They are not usually present in urine but a few are usually present as a result of vaginal, urethral, external genitalia, or collection-container contamination
The bacteria may be present in the form of?
Cocci (spherical) or bacilli (rods)
Due to their small size, bacteria must be observed and reported using
High-power objective
How are bacteria reported in urine?
Few, moderate or many per high power field
To be considered significant for UTI, bacteria should be?
Accompanied by WBCs
____ distinguishes bacteria from amorphous materials?
The presence of bacteria can be indicative of?
Lower or upper UTI
Specimens containing increased bacteria and leukocytes are routinely followed up with?
A specimen for quantitative urine culture
The bacteria most frequently associated with UTI?
Enterobacteriaceae (referred to as gram-negative rods)
What cocci-shaped bacteria were also capable of causing UTI?
Staphylococcus and Enterococcus
T or F: The actual bacteria producing UTI cannot be identified with the microscopic examination
T or F: Bacteria is significant if specimen is properly collected and stored
Appear in the urine as small, ovoid, colorless (may resemble RBCs), and refractile oval structures that may or may not contain a bud
Yeast Cells
- May appear as branched, mycelial forms in severe infections
- Not soluble in acid and do not stain with supravital stains
Yeast Cells
Yeast Cells
Its presence in urine indicates what?
Contamination with vaginal secretions
- Usually seen in pregnant and diabetic patients
- Reported as rare, few, moderate or many per hpf
Yeast Cells
Most commonly encountered yeast is
Candida albicans
Seen in the urine of diabetic patients, immunocompromised patients, and women with vaginal moniliasis
Yeast Cells
A true yeast infection should be accompanied by the presence of?
Most frequent parasite encountered in the urine
Trichomonas vaginalis
- A pear/turnip-shaped flagellate with an undulating membrane
- Exhibits jerky motility in fresh urine
Trichomonas trophozoite
Trichomonas is usually reported as?
Rare, few, moderate, or many per hpf
T or F: When not mocing or non-motile, Trichomonas is easier to identify.
Kamukha niya WBC, transitional or RTE cell
A sexually transmitted pathogen associated primarily with vaginal inflammation.
Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomonas vaginalis
T or F: Infection of male urethra and prostate is asymptomatic.
True the fire
T or F: Males are often symptomatic carriers.
The ova of the bladder parasite that has been associated with bladder cancer in other countries
Schistosoma haematobium
The most common contaminant is the ova of this parasite usually from the perianal area
Enterobius vermicularis
These are easily identified in the urine sediment by their oval, slightly tapered heads and long, flagella-like tails.
T or F: Urine is toxic to spermatozoa.
When are spermatozoa occasionally found in the urine of men and women?
- Sexual Intercourse
- Masturbation
- Nocturnal Emission
T or F: Sperm is rarely of clinical significance.
True the fire
In what case is sperm a case of clinical significance?
Male infertility or retrograde ejaculation
Sperm is expelled into the bladder instead of the urethra
When there are increased amounts of semen, what would be the results of a reagent strip for protein?
A protein material produced by the glands and epithelial cells of the lower genitourinary tract and the RTE cells
Immunologic analysis has shown that this is a major constituent of mucus
Uromodulin (Tamm Horsfall protein)
A glycoprotein excreted by the RTE cells of the distal convoluted tubules and upper collecting ducts
Uromodulin (Tamm Horsfall protein)
Appears microscopically as thread-like structures with a low refractive index
How are mucus threads reported?
Rare, few, moderate, or many per low power field
T or F: More frequently present in male urine specimens.
Female yan and they’re increased in vaginal contamination
Mucus or Mucus Threads
T or F: They are of clinical significance in females, but not in males.
They’re of no clinical significance in both
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