List9Nov21 Flashcards
chassisN. /底盘/framework and working parts of an automobile. Examining the car after the accident, the owner discovered that the body had been ruined but that the chassis was unharmed.
cipherN. /不重要的人或物/nonentity; worthless person or thing. She claimed her ex-husband was a total cipher and wondered why she had ever married him.
clamorN. /吵闹声;噪音/noise. The clamor of the children at play outside made it impossible for her to take a nap. alsoV.
clangor N. /大声喧哗;持续的铿锵声/loud, resounding noise. The blacksmith was accustomed to the clangor of hammers on steel.
cloyingADJ. /倒胃口;过度的/distasteful (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental. Disliking the cloying sweetness of standard wedding cakes, Jody and Tom chose to have homemade carrot cake at the reception. cloy,V.
codicilN. /遗嘱的附录/supplement to the body of a will. Miss Havisham kept her lawyers busy drawing up codicils to add to her already complicated will.
coiffureN. /发型/hairstyle. You can make a statement with your choice of coiffure: in the sixties many AfricanAmericans affirmed their racial heritage by wearing their hair in Afros.
colanderN. /过滤器/utensil with perforated bottom used for straining. Before serving the spaghetti, place it in a colander to drain it.