List 27 Flashcards
invincibleADJ. /无敌的/unconquerable. Superman is invincible.
inviolableADJ. /无敌的;神圣不可亵渎的/secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable. Batman considered his oath to keep the people of Gotham City inviolable: nothing on earth could make him break this promise.
invocationN. /祈祷/prayer for help; calling upon as a reference or support. The service of Morning Prayer opens with an invocation during which we ask God to hear our prayers.
invokeV. /恳请,借助于,找来,调用/call upon; ask for. She invoked her advisor’s aid in filling out her financial aid forms.
invulnerableADJ. /无懈可击的/incapable of injury. Achilles was invulnerable except in his heel.
iotaN. /极少量的/very small quantity. She hadn’t an iota of common sense.
irascibleADJ. /易怒的;暴躁的/irritable; easily angered. Miss Minchin’s irascible temper intimidated the younger schoolgirls, who feared she’d burst into a rage at any moment.
irateADJ. /愤怒的;生气的/angry. When John’s mother found out he had overdrawn his checking account for the third month in a row, she was so irate she could scarcely speak to him.
ireN. /怒气/anger. The waiter tried unsuccessfully to placate the ire of the diner who had found a cockroach in her soup.
iridescentADJ. /虹彩的/exhibiting rainbowlike colors. She admired the iridescent hues of the oil that floated on the surface of the water.
irksomeADJ. /令人厌恶的;冗长乏味的/annoying; tedious. He found working on the assembly line irksome because of the monotony of the operation he had to perform. irk,V.
irrefutableADJ. /不可否认的;不能驳倒的/indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable. No matter how hard I tried to find a good comeback for her argument, I couldn’t think of one: her logic was irrefutable.
irremediableADJ. /不能挽回的;不能治愈的/incurable; uncorrectable. The error she made was irremediable; she could see no way to repair it.
irreproachableADJ. /无可指责的;没有缺点的/blameless; impeccable. Homer’s conduct at the office party was irreproachable; even Marge didn’t have anything bad to say about how he behaved.
irrevocableADJ. /不能取消的;不能变更的/unalterable; irreversible. As Sue dropped the “Dear John” letter into the mailbox, she suddenly had second thoughts and wanted to take it back, but she could not: her action was irrevocable.
itinerantADJ. /巡回的/wandering; traveling. He was an itinerant peddler and traveled through Pennsylvania and Virginia selling his wares. also N.
itineraryN. /旅行计划;路线/plan of a trip. Disliking sudden changes in plans when she traveled abroad, Ethel refused to make any alterations in her itinerary.
jabberV. /快速的说,含混不清的说/chatter rapidly or unintelligibly. Why does the fellow insist on jabbering away in French when I can’t understand a word he says?
jadedADJ. /疲倦的/fatigued; surfeited. He looked for exotic foods to stimulate his jaded appetite.
jargonN. /黑话,行话,胡话/language used by a special group; technical terminology; gibberish. The computer salesmen at the store used a jargon of their own that we simply couldn’t follow; we had no idea what they were jabbering about.
jaundicedADJ. /患黄疸病的;有偏见的/prejudiced (envious, hostile or resentful); yellowed. Because Sue disliked Carolyn, she looked at Carolyn’s paintings with a jaundiced eye, calling them formless smears. Newborn infants afflicted with jaundice look slightly yellow: they have jaundiced skin.