List 39 Flashcards
quay N. /码头/dock; landing place. Because of the captain’s carelessness, the ship crashed into the quay.
queasyADJ. /神经质的,洁癖的;易呕吐的/easily nauseated; squeamish. Remember that great chase movie, the one with the carsick passenger? That’s right: Queasy Rider!
quellV. /扑灭;镇压;平息/extinguish; put down; quiet. Miss Minchin’s demeanor was so stern and forbidding that she could quell any unrest among her students with one intimidating glance.
quenchV. /弄湿;扑灭;熄灭;淬火/douse or extinguish; assuage or satisfy. No matter how much water the hiker drank, she could not quench her thirst.
querulousADJ. /鸣不平的;易发牢骚的/fretful; whining. Even the most agreeable toddlers can begin to act querulous if they miss their nap.
quibbleN. /遁词;狡辩;支吾;吹毛求疵/minor objection or complaint. Aside from a few hundred teensy-weensy quibbles about the set, the script, the actors, the director, the costumes, the lighting, and the props, the hypercritical critic loved the play. alsoV.
quipN. /嘲弄;讽刺/taunt. You are unpopular because you are too free with your quips and sarcastic comments. alsoV.
quiverV. /振动的;颤抖的;敏捷的/tremble; shake. The bird dog’s nose twitched and his whiskers quivered as he strained eagerly against the leash. also N.
quiver N. /射箭的/case for arrows. Robin Hood reached back and plucked one last arrow from his quiver. (secondary meaning)
quixoticADJ. /空想的;狂想的/idealistic but impractical. Constantly coming up with quixotic, unworkable schemes to save the world, Simon has his heart in the right place, but his head somewhere in the clouds.
quorumN. /法定人数/number of members necessary to conduct a meeting. The senator asked for a roll call to determine whether a quorum was present.
rabidADJ. /狂暴的;激烈的/like a fanatic; furious. He was a rabid follower of the Dodgers and watched them play whenever he could go to the ball park.
raconteurN. /善谈的人;满肚子故事的人/storyteller. My father was a gifted raconteur with an unlimited supply of anecdotes.
railV. /责骂;斥责;咆哮/scold; rant. You may rail at him all you want; you will never change him.
raimentN. /衣服/clothing. “How can I go to the ball?” asked Cinderella. “I have no raiment fit to wear.”
rallyV. /复原,恢复;召集,集合/call up or summon (forces, vital powers, etc.); revive or recuperate. Washington quickly rallied his troops to fight off the British attack. The patient had been sinking throughout the night, but at dawn she rallied and made a complete recovery.
rambleV. /游荡;漫无目的游荡/wander aimlessly (physically or mentally). Listening to the teacher ramble, Judy wondered whether he’d ever get to his point.
ramificationN. /分支;分叉/branching out; subdivision. We must examine all the ramifications of this problem.
ramifyV. /分支;分开/divide into branches or subdivisions. When the plant begins to ramify, it is advisable to nip off most of the new branches.
rampN. /斜面;斜坡/slope; inclined plane. The house was built with ramps instead of stairs in order to enable the man in the wheelchair to move easily from room to room and floor to floor.
rampantADJ. /猖獗的;滋生的;猛烈的/growing in profusion; unrestrained. The rampant weeds in the garden choked the flowers until they died.
ramshackleADJ. /摇摆的;摇摇欲坠的/rickety; falling apart. The boys propped up the ramshackle clubhouse with a couple of boards.
rancidADJ. /油脂一样腐臭的/having the odor of stale fat. A rancid odor filled the ship’s galley and nauseated the crew.
rantV. /咆哮;激昂的演说;斥责/rave; talk excitedly; scold; make a grandiloquent speech. When he heard that I’d totaled the family car, Dad began to rant at me like a complete madman.
rapaciousADJ. /极度贪婪的;捕食的;掠夺的/excessively greedy; predatory. The rapacious brigands stripped the villagers of all their possessions. rapacity, N.
rapport N. /情感的亲近;和谐/emotional closeness; harmony. In team teaching, it is important that all teachers in the group have good rapport with one another.
raptADJ. /迷住的;全神贯注的/absorbed; enchanted. Caught up in the wonder of the storyteller’s tale, the rapt listeners sat motionless, hanging on his every word.
rarefiedADJ. /稀释(气体)/made less dense (of a gas]. The mountain climbers had difficulty breathing in the rarefied atmosphere. rarefy,V.
raspyADJ. /刺耳的;焦躁的/grating; harsh. The sergeant’s raspy voice grated on the recruits’ ears.
ratifyV. /批准,认可/approve formally; confirm; verify. Party leaders doubted that they had enough votes in both houses of Congress to ratify the constitutional amendment.
ratiocinationN. /推理;推论/reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises. While Watson was a man of average intelligence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift for ratiocination made him a superb detective.
raucousADJ. /沙哑的/harsh and shrill; disorderly and boisterous. The raucous crowd of New Year’s Eve revelers got progressively noisier as midnight drew near.
raveN. /咆哮/overwhelmingly favorable review. Though critic John Simon seldom has a good word to say about most contemporary plays, his review of All in the Timing was a total rave.
ravelV. /使混乱;解开混乱,解决混乱/fall apart into tangles; unravel or untwist; entangle. A single thread pulled loose, and the entire scarf started to ravel.
razeV. /彻底摧毁/destroy completely. Spelling is important: to raise a building is to put it up; to raze a building is to tear it down.
reaper N. /收割者;收割机/one who harvests grain. Death, the Grim Reaper, cuts down mortal men and women, just as a farmer cuts down the ripened grain. reap,V.
rebuffV. /回绝/snub; beat back. She rebuffed his invitation so smoothly that he did not realize he had been snubbed. also N.
rebukeV. /严厉批评;猛烈的训斥/scold harshly; criticize severely. No matter how sharply Miss Watson rebuked Huck for his misconduct, he never talked back but just stood there like a stump. also N.
rebuttalN. /驳斥;举反证/refutation; response with contrary evidence. The defense lawyer confidently listened to the prosecutor sum up his case, sure that she could answer his arguments in her rebuttal.
recalcitrantADJ. /反抗的;顽抗的/obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly. Which animal do you think is more recalcitrant, a pig or a mule?
recantV. /放弃;宣布放弃/disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error. Those who can, keep true to their faith; those who can’t, recant. Hoping to make Joan of Arc recant her sworn testimony, her English captors tried to convince her that her visions had been sent to her by the Devil.
recapitulateV. /概括;总结/summarize. Let us recapitulate what has been said thus far before going ahead.
recastV. /重建/reconstruct (a sentence, story, etc.); fashion again. Let me recast this sentence in terms your feeble brain can grasp: in words of one syllable, you are a fool.
recidivismN. /累犯;惯犯/habitual return to crime. Prison reformers in the United States are disturbed by the high rate of recidivism; the number of men serving second and third terms in prison indicates the failure of prisons to rehabilitate the inmates.
recipient N. /接受的东西;容器/receiver. Although he had been the recipient of many favors, he was not grateful to his benefactor.
reciprocateV. /互给;呼唤;酬答/repay in kind. If they attack us, we shall be compelled to reciprocate and bomb their territory. reciprocity, N.
recluseN. /隐遁者;寂寞者/hermit; loner. Disappointed in love, Miss Emily became a recluse; she shut herself away in her empty mansion and refused to see another living soul. reclusive,ADJ.
reconnaissanceN. /侦查/survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering. If you encounter any enemy soldiers during your reconnaissance, capture them for questioning.
rectifyV. /纠正/set right; correct. You had better send a check to rectify your account before American Express cancels your credit card.
rectitudeN. /垂直;正直;公正/uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment. The Eagle Scout was a model of rectitude.
recumbentADJ. /靠着的;斜躺的;不动的;休息的/reclining; lying down completely or in part. The command “AT EASE” does not permit you to take a recumbent position.
recuperateV. /恢复/recover. The doctors were worried because the patient did not recuperate as rapidly as they had expected.