List 20 Flashcards
flitV. /掠过/fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by. Like a bee flitting from flower to flower, Rose flitted from one boyfriend to the next.
floeN. /浮殡冰块;大浮冰/mass of floating ice. The ship made slow progress as it battered its way through the ice floes.
floraN. /植物志/plants of a region or era. Because she was a botanist, she spent most of her time studying the flora of the desert.
floridADJ. /华丽的;红润的/ruddy; reddish; flowery. If you go to Florida and get a sunburn, your complexion will look florid.
flounderV. /挣扎,辗转;困难地奋斗/struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter. Up to his knees in the bog, Floyd floundered about, trying to regain his footing. Bewildered by the new software, Flo floundered until Jan showed her how to get started.
floutV. /轻视;嘲笑;愚弄/reject; mock. The headstrong youth flouted all authority; he refused to be curbed.
fluctuateV. /波动的;起伏的,摇摆不定的/waver; shift. The water pressure in our shower fluctuates wildly; you start rinsing yourself off with a trickle, and, two minutes later, a blast of water nearly knocks you down.
flusterV. /使混乱,使迷惑/confuse. The teacher’s sudden question flustered him and he stammered his reply.
fluxN. /变迁;流动/flowing; series of changes. While conditions are in such a state of flux, I do not wish to commit myself too deeply in this affair.
fodderN. /粗饲料;饲养/coarse food for cattle, horses, etc. One of Nancy’s chores at the ranch was to put fresh supplies of fodder in the horses’ stalls.
foibleN. /缺点;弱点/weakness; slight fault. We can overlook the foibles of our friends; no one is perfect.
foil N. /烘托;衬托/contrast. In Star Wars, dark, evil Darth Vader is a perfect foil for fair-haired, naive Luke Skywalker.
foilV. /打击;打败,挫败/defeat; frustrate. In the end, Skywalker is able to foil Vader’s diabolical schemes.
foliageN. /树叶/masses of leaves. Every autumn before the leaves fell he promised himself he would drive through New England to admire the colorful fall foliage.
fomentV. /鼓动,煽动/stir up; instigate. Cheryl’s archenemy Heather spread some nasty rumors that fomented trouble in the club. Do you think Cheryl’s foe meant to foment such discord?
foolhardyADJ. /愚勇的;傻大胆儿/rash. Don’t be foolhardy. Get the advice of experienced people before undertaking this venture.
fop N. /花花公子;过分注意衣着的男人/dandy; man excessively concerned with his clothes. People who dismissed young Mizrahi as a fop felt chagrined when he turned into one of the top fashion designers of his day. foppish,ADJ.
forbearanceN. /耐心/patience. We must use forbearance in dealing with him because he is still weak from his illness.
fordN. /津;浅滩/place where a river can be crossed on foot. Rather than risk using the shaky rope bridge, David walked a halfmile downstream until he came to the nearest ford. alsoV.
forebearsN. /前人;祖先/ancestors. Reverence for one’s forebears (sometimes referred to as ancestor worship) plays an important part in many Oriental cultures.
forebodingN. /不详的预感/premonition of evil. Suspecting no conspiracies against him, Caesar gently ridiculed his wife’s forebodings about the Ides of March.
forensicADJ. /法院的;适于法庭的/suitable to debate or courts of law. In her best forensic manner, the lawyer addressed the jury. forenSiCS, N.
foreshadowV. /预言;预测/give an indication beforehand; portend; prefigure. In retrospect, political analysts realized that Yeltsin’s defiance of the attempted coup foreshadowed his emergence as the dominant figure of the new Russian republic.
forgoV. /放弃/give up; do without. Determined to lose weight for the summer, Ida decided to forgo dessert until she could fit into a size eight again.
forlornADJ. /孤苦的,凄凉的/sad and lonely; wretched. Deserted by her big sisters and her friends, the forlorn child sat sadly on the steps awaiting their return.
forswearV. /放弃/renounce; abandon. The captured knight could escape death only if he agreed to forswear Christianity and embrace Islam as the one true faith.
forteN. /强项,特殊才能/strong point or special talent. I am not eager to play this rather serious role, for my forte is comedy.
forthrightADJ. /坦率的;豪爽的/outspoken; straightforward; frank. Never afraid to call a spade a spade, she was perhaps too forthrightto be a successful party politician.
fortitudeN. /勇敢的/bravery; courage. He was awarded the medal for his fortitude in the battle.
fortuitousADJ. /偶然的/accidental; by chance. Though he pretended their encounter was fortuitous, he’d actually been hanging around her usual haunts for the past two weeks, hoping she’d turn up.
forumN. /论坛/place of assembly to discuss public concerns; meeting for discussion. The film opens with a shot of the ancient Forum in Rome, where several senators are discussing the strange new sect known as Christians. At the end of the movie, its director presided over a forum examining new fashions in filmmaking.
founderV. /完全失败;沉默/fail completely; sink. After hitting the submerged iceberg, the Titanic started taking in water rapidly and soon foundered.
fracasN. /争吵;混战/brawl, melee. The military police stopped the fracas in the bar and arrested the belligerents.
fractiousADJ. /蛮横倔强的/unruly; disobedient; irritable. Bucking and kicking, the fractious horse unseated its rider.
frailADJ. /弱的/weak. The delicate child seemed too frail to lift the heavy carton. frailty, N.
fraternizeV. /友善/associate in a friendly way. After the game, the members of the two teams fraternized as cheerfully as if they had never been rivals.
fraudulentADJ. /欺骗的/cheating; deceitful. The government seeks to prevent fraudulent and misleading advertising.
fraughtADJ. /满的/filled. Since this enterprise is fraught with danger, I will ask for volunteers who are willing to assume the risks.
frayN. /争吵/brawl. The three musketeers were in the thick of the fray.
freneticADJ. /发狂的/frenzied; frantic. His frenetic activities convinced us that he had no organized plan of operation.
frescoN. /壁画/painting on plaster (usually fresh). The cathedral is visited by many tourists who wish to admire the frescoes by Giotto.
fretV. /被激怒/to be annoyed or vexed. To fret over your poor grades is foolish; instead, decide to work harder in the future.
frolicsomeADJ. /闹着玩的;嬉戏的/prankish; gay. The frolicsome puppy tried to lick the face of its master.
frondN. /棕榈叶;蕨叶/fern leaf; palm or banana leaf. After the storm the beach was littered with the fronds of palm trees.
frugalityN. /俭省节约/thrift; economy. In economically hard times, anyone who doesn’t learn to practice frugality risks bankruptcy. frugal,ADJ.
fugitiveADJ. /短暂的,易变的;流动的/fleeting or transitory; roving. The film brought a few fugitive images to her mind, but on the whole it made no lasting impression upon her.
fulcrumN. /(杠杆的)支点/support on which a lever rests. If we use this stone as a fulcrum and the crowbar as a lever, we may be able to move this boulder.
fulsomeADJ. /过分的/disgustingly excessive. His fulsome praise of the dictator revolted his listeners.
furloughN. /休假/leave of absence; vacation granted a soldier or civil servant. Dreaming of her loved ones back in the States, the young soldier could hardly wait for her upcoming furlough.
furorN. /非常激动/frenzy; great excitement. The story of her embezzlement of the funds created a furor on the Stock Exchange.
furtiveADJ. /隐秘的;偷偷摸摸,鬼祟/stealthy; sneaky. Noticing the furtive glance the customer gave the diamond bracelet on the counter, the jeweler wondered whether he had a potential shoplifter on his hands.
futile ADJ. /没出息;无望,没效果的/useless; hopeless; ineffectual. It is futile for me to try to get any work done around here while the telephone is ringing every thirty seconds. futility, N.
gadflyN. /牛蝇;招人烦的人/animal-biting fly; an irritating person. Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty-eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody.
gaffeN. /失态;出丑/social blunder. According to Miss Manners, to call your husband by your lover’s name is worse than a mere gaffe; it is a tactical mistake.