List 35 Flashcards
pecuniaryADJ. /钱的,货币的/pertaining to money. Seldom earning enough to cover their expenses, folk dance teachers work because they love dancing, not because they expect any pecuniary reward.
pedagogyN. /教育学/teaching; art of education. Though Maria Montessori gained fame for her innovations in pedagogy, it took years before her teaching techniques were common practice in American schools.
pedantN. /学究式人物/scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities. Her insistence that the book be memorized marked the teacher as a pedant rather than a scholar.
pedanticADJ. /书生气的/showing off learning; bookish. Leavening his decisions with humorous, down-to-earth anecdotes, Judge Walker was not at all the pedantic legal scholar. pedant, pedantry, N.
pediatricianN. /儿科专家/expert in children’s diseases. The family doctor advised the parents to consult a pediatrician about their child’s ailment.
peerlessADJ. /不可比较的,不相衡的,无可匹敌的/having no equal; incomparable. The reigning operatic tenor of his generation, to his admirers Luciano Pavarotti was peerless: no one could compare with him.
pejorativeADJ. /轻蔑;蔑视的/negative in connotation; having a belittling effect. Instead of criticizing Clinton’s policies, the Republicans made pejorative remarks about his character.
pellucidADJ. /透明;清澈;明白的/transparent; limpid; easy to understand. After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find Bertrand Russell’s pellucid style very enjoyable.
penitentADJ. /悔过的/repentant. When he realized the enormity of his crime, he became remorseful and penitent, also N.
penury N. /一贫如洗;穷困潦倒/severe poverty; stinginess. When his pension fund failed, George feared he would end his days in penury. He became such a penny pincher that he turned into a closefisted, penurious miser.
percussionADJ. /打击/striking one object against another sharply. The drum is a percussion instrument. also N.
perditionN. /毁灭/damnation; complete ruin. Praying for salvation, young Steven Daedalus feared he was damned to eternal perdition.
peregrinationN. /旅程;旅行/journey. Auntie Mame was a world traveler whose peregrinations took her from Tiajuana to Timbuctoo.
peremptoryADJ. /专制的;强硬的,专横的/demanding and leaving no choice. From Jack’s peremptory knock on the door, Jill could tell he would not give up until she let him in.
perennialN. /终年的;永久的/something that is continuing or recurrent. These plants are hardy perennials and will bloom for many years. alsoADJ.
perfidiousADJ. /背信弃义的;不忠的/treacherous; disloyal. When Caesar realized that Brutus had betrayed him, he reproached his perfidious friend. perfidy, N.
perforateV. /打孔/pierce; put a hole through. Before you can open the aspirin bottle, you must first perforate the plastic safety seal that covers the cap.
perfunctoryADJ. /肤浅的,不投入的;漠不关心的/superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm. The auditor’s perfunctory inspection of the books overlooked many errors. Giving the tabletop only a perfunctory swipe with her dust cloth, Betty promised herself she’d clean it more thoroughly tomorrow.
permeableADJ. /可渗透的,可学习的/penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through. If your jogging clothes weren’t made out of permeable fabric, you’d drown in your own perspiration (figuratively speaking).
permeateV. /传播;流传/pass through; spread. The odor of frying onions permeated the air.
perniciousADJ. /及具毁灭性的/very destructive. Crack cocaine has had a pernicious effect on urban society: it has destroyed families, turned children into drug dealers, and increased the spread of violent crimes.
perpetrateV. /犯/commit an offense. Only an insane person could perpetrate such a horrible crime.
perpetualADJ. /永久的/everlasting. Ponce de Leon hoped to find the legendary fountain of perpetual youth.
perpetuateV. /保护免于灭绝/make something last; preserve from extinction. Some critics attack The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because they believe Twain’s book perpetuates a false image of Blacks in this country.
perquisiteN. /津贴,补贴;奖金/any gain above stipulated salary. The perquisites attached to this job make it even more attractive than the salary indicates.
personaN. /角色/public personality or facade. Offstage the comedian was a sullen, irritable grumbler, a far cry from his ever-cheerful adopted stage persona.
personableADJ. /有吸引力的/attractive. The man I am seeking to fill this position must be personable since he will be representing us before the public.
perspicaciousADJ. /洞察一切的,渗透的;机敏的/having insight; penetrating; astute. The brilliant lawyer was known for his perspicacious deductions. perspicacity, N.
pertADJ. /爱管闲事的,无理的/impertinent; forward. I think your pert and impudent remarks call for an apology.
pertinaciousADJ. /拒不屈服;反抗/stubborn; persistent. He is bound to succeed because his pertinacious nature will not permit him to quit.
pertinentADJ. /说到点子上的;中肯的;有关的/To the point; relevant. Virginia Woolf’s words on women’s rights are as pertinent today as they were when she wrote them nearly a century ago.
perturbV. /感到不安/disturb greatly. The thought that electricity might be leaking out of the empty light bulb sockets perturbed my aunt so much that at night she crept about the house screwing fresh bulbs in the vacant spots. perturbation, N.
peruseV. /细读/read with care. After the conflagration that burned down her house, Joan closely perused her home insurance policy to discover exactly what benefits her coverage provided her. perusal, N.
perverseADJ. /不正当的,邪恶的,做作的 ;硬脖子的/stubbornly wrongheaded; wicked and perverted. When Jack was in a perverse mood, he would do the opposite of whatever Jill asked him. When Hannibal Lecter was in a perverse mood, he ate the flesh of his victims. Jack acted out of perversity. Hannibal’s act proved his perversion.
petrifyV. /石化/turn to stone. His sudden and unexpected appearance seemed to petrify her.
pettyADJ. /微小的,不重要的/trivial; unimportant; very small. She had no major complaints to make about his work, only a few petty quibbles that were almost too minor to state.
petulantADJ. /脾气坏的/touchy; peevish. If you’d had hardly any sleep for three nights and people kept phoning and waking you up, you’d sound pretty petulant, too.
philanderer N. /调情;轻佻的人/faithless lover; flirt. Swearing he had never so much as looked at another woman, Ralph assured Alice he was no philanderer.