List 17 Flashcards
encumberV. /拖累,负担/burden. Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage when they take short trips.
endearment N. /爱慕;爱的表示/fond statement. Your gifts and endearments cannot make me forget your earlier insolence.
endemicADJ. /地方的;小范围内流行/prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country. This disease is endemic in this part of the world; more than 80 percent of the population are at one time or another affected by it.
enduringADJ. /持久的;不朽的/lasting; surviving. Keats believed in the enduring power of great art, which would outlast its creators’ brief lives.
energizeV. /鼓舞/invigorate; make forceful and active. Rather than exhausting Maggie, dancing energized her.
enervateV. /使变弱/weaken. She was slow to recover from her illness; even a short walk to the window would enervate her.
enfranchiseV. /赋予公民权(投票权)/to admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote). Although Blacks were enfranchised shortly after the Civil War, women did not receive the right to vote until 1920.
engagingADJ. /有魅力的,有吸引力的/charming; attractive. Everyone liked Nancy’s pleasant manners and engaging personality.
engenderV. /产生,导致/cause; produce. To receive praise for real accomplishments engenders self-confidence in a child.
engrossV. /独占/occupy fully. John was so engrossed in his studies that he did not hear his mother call.
enmityN. /憎恨;仇恨/ill will; hatred. At Camp David, President Carter labored to bring an end to the enmity that prevented the peaceful coexistence of Egypt and Israel.
ennui N. /厌倦/boredom. The monotonous routine of hospital life induced a feeling of ennui that made him moody and irritable.
enraptureV. /使其狂喜/please intensely. The audience was enraptured by the freshness of the voices and the excellent orchestration.
ensconceV. /安排妥当/settle comfortably. Now that their children were ensconced safely in the private school, the jet-setting parents decided to leave for Europe.
entailV. /要求,需要;牵涉到/require; necessitate; involve. Building a collegelevel vocabulary will entail some work on your part.
enthrallV. /俘获/capture; enslave. From the moment he saw her picture, he was enthralled by her beauty.
enticeV. /吸引;引诱/lure; attract; tempt. She always tried to entice her baby brother into mischief.
entityN. /实体/real being. As soon as the Charter was adopted, the United Nations became an entity and had to be considered as a factor in world diplomacy.
entomologyN. /昆虫学/study of insects. Kent found entomology the most annoying part of his biology course; studying insects bugged him.
entourageN. /随从,随行人员/group of attendants; retinue. Surrounded by the members of his entourage, the mayor hurried into city hall, shouting a brusque “No comment!” to the reporters lining the steps.
entreatV. /恳求/plead; ask earnestly. She entreated her father to let her stay out till midnight.
enumerateV. /枚举/list; mention one by one. Huck hung his head in shame as Miss Watson enumerated his many flaws.
enunciateV. /阐明/speak distinctly. Stop mumbling! How will people understand you if you do not enunciate?
eonN. /时代/long period of time; an age. It has taken eons for our civilization to develop.
epicureN. /老饕;享乐主义者/connoisseur of food and drink. Epicures frequent this restaurant because it features exotic wines and dishes. epicurean,ADJ.
epigramN. /警句;讽刺民谣/witty thought or saying, usually short. Poor Richard’s epigrams made Benjamin Franklin famous.
epistolaryADJ. /书信的/consisting of letters. Mark Harris’s Wake Up, Stupid! is a modern epistolary novel that uses letters, telegrams, and newspaper clippings to tell the hero’s story. The movie You’ve Got Mail tells a story using e-mail; does that make it an e-pistolary movie? epistle, N.
epitaphN. /墓志铭,挽联/inscription in memory of a dead person. In his will, he dictated the epitaph he wanted placed on his tombstone.
epithet N. /绰号/word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing. So many kings of France were named Charles that you could tell them apart only by their epithets: Charles the Wise was someone far different from Charles the Fat.
epochN. /时代/period of time. The glacial epoch lasted for thousands of years.
equanimityN. /镇定/calmness of temperament; composure. Even the inevitable strains of caring for an ailing mother did not disturb Bea’s equanimity.
equestrianN. /骑师/rider on horseback. These paths in the park are reserved for equestrians and their steeds. alsoADJ.
equilibriumN. /平衡/balance. After the divorce, he needed some time to regain his equilibrium.
equineADJ. /似马的/resembling a horse. His long, bony face had an equine look to it.
equinoxN. /昼夜平分点,春分,秋分/period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn. The vernal equinox is usually marked by heavy rainstorms.
eroticADJ. /激情的/pertaining to passionate love. The erotic passages in this novel should be removed as they are merely pornographic.
eruditeADJ. /博学的/learned; scholarly. Though his fellow students thought him erudite, Paul knew he would have to spend many years in serious study before he could consider himself a scholar.
escapadeN. /胡闹;奇怪、出格的行为/prank; flighty conduct. The headmaster could not regard this latest escapade as a boyish joke and expelled the young man.
escapismN. /逃避现实,纸醉金迷/avoiding reality by diverting oneself with amusements. Before you criticize her constant reading as mere escapism, note how greatly her vocabulary has improved since she began spending her days buried in books.
esotericADJ. /难以理解的,深奥的/hard to understand; known only to the chosen few. The New Yorker short stories often include esoteric allusions to obscure people and events: the implication is, if you are in the in-crowd, you’ll get the reference; if you come from Cleveland, you won’t.
espionageN. /间谍行为/Spying. In order to maintain its power, the government developed a system of espionage that penetrated every household.
estrangedADJ. /分离的;孤立的/separated; alienated. The estranged wife sought a divorce. estrangement, N.
etherealADJ. /轻的,空气的;像天堂的/light; heavenly; unusually refined. In Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the spirit Ariel is an ethereal creature, too airy and unearthly for our mortal world.
etymologyN. /语源学/study of word parts. A knowledge of etymology can help you on many English tests: if you know what the roots and prefixes mean, you can determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.