List 30 Flashcards
mawkishADJ. /过分多愁善感;感情脆弱到令人作呕的/mushy and gushy; icky-sticky sentimental; maudlin. Whenever Gigi and her boyfriend would sigh and get all lovey-dovey, her little brother would shout, “Yuck!” protesting their mawkish behavior.
maximN. /至理名言;格言/proverb; a truth pithily stated. Aesop’s fables illustrate moral maxims.
meagerADJ. /瘦的;贫乏的,不足的/scanty; inadequate. Still hungry after his meager serving of porridge, Oliver Twist asked for a second helping.
meanderV. /弯曲;蜿蜒/wind or turn in its course. Needing to stay close to a source of water, he followed every twist and turn of the stream as it meandered through the countryside.
meddlesomeADJ. /爱管闲事的;好事的;好插手的/interfering. He felt his marriage was suffering because of his meddlesome mother-in-law.
medleyN. /混合/mixture. To avoid boring dancers by playing any one tune for too long, bands may combine three or four tunes into a medley.
meekADJ. /谦卑的,驯服的;温和的;顺从的/quiet and obedient; spiritless. Can Lois Lane see through Superman’s disguise and spot the superhero hiding behind the guise of meek, timorous Clark Kent? Mr. Barrett never expected his meek daughter would dare to defy him by eloping with her suitor.
mellifluousADJ. /优美的;流畅的;蜜一样的/sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious. Italian is a mellifluous language, especially suited to being sung.
mementoN. /有象征意义的物品;纪念品/token; reminder. Take this book as a memento of your visit.
menagerieN. /动物园/collection of wild animals. Whenever the children run wild around the house, Mom shouts, “Calm down! I’m not running a menagerie!”
mendaciousADJ. /撒谎成性的;撒谎的,假的/lying; habitually dishonest. Distrusting Huck from the start, Miss Watson assumed he was mendacious and refused to believe a word he said.
mendicantN. /乞丐/beggar. “O noble sir, give alms to the poor,” cried Aladdin, playing the mendicant.
menialADJ. /仆人的;卑贱的/suitable for servants; lowly; mean. Her wicked stepmother forced Cinderella to do menial tasks around the house while her ugly stepsisters lolled around painting their toenails.
mentorN. /门特;顾问;导师/teacher. During this very trying period, she could not have had a better mentor, for the teacher was sympathetic and understanding.
mercenaryADJ. /唯利是图/interested in money or gain. Andy’s every act was prompted by mercenary motives: his first question was always “What’s in it for me?”
mercurialADJ. /善变的;无常的/capricious; changing; fickle. Quick as quicksilver to change, he was mercurial in nature and therefore unreliable.