List 42 Flashcards
sadisticADJ. /虐待狂的;残忍成性的/inclined to cruelty. If we are to improve condi- tions in this prison, we must first get rid of the sadistic warden.
sagaN. /斯堪的纳维亚的传说;传奇/Scandinavian myth; any legend. This is a saga of the sea and the men who risk their lives on it.
SagaciousADJ. /有洞察力的/perceptive; shrewd; having insight. My father was a sagacious judge of character: he could spot a phony a mile away. sagacity, N.
sageN. /智者;圣人/person celebrated for wisdom. Hearing tales of a mysterious Master of All Knowledge who lived in the hills of Tibet, Sandy was possessed with a burning desire to consult the legendary sage. alsoADJ.
salaciousADJ. /好色的;淫荡的/lascivious; lustful. Chaucer’s monk is not pious but salacious. a teller of lewd tales and ribald jests.
salientADJ. /显著的;突出的;卓越的/prominent. One of the salient features of that newspaper is its excellent editorial page.
salubriousADJ. /对健康有益的,利于养生的/healthful. Many people with hay fever move to more salubrious sections of the country during the months of August and September.
salutaryADJ. /有用的;有益的/tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome. The punishment had a salutary effect on the boy, as he became a model student.
salvo N. /解除武装;敬礼;保留条款/discharge of firearms; military salute. The boom of the enemy’s opening salvo made the petrified private jump.
sanctimoniousADJ. /假正经的;假装神圣的/displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness. You do not have to be so sanctimonious to prove that you are devout.
sanctionV. /批准,许可/approve; ratify. Nothing will convince me to sanction the engagement of my daughter to such a worthless young man.
sapV. /减少;破坏/diminish; undermine. The element kryptonite has an unhealthy effect on Superman: it saps his strength.
sartorialADJ. /裁缝的;缝纫机的;缝匠肌的/pertaining to tailors. He was as famous for the sartorial splendor of his attire as he was for his acting.
sateV. /使心满意足;使过度满足;使腻/satisfy to the full; cloy. Its hunger sated. the lion dozed.
satiateV. /完全满足/satisfy fully. Having stuffed themselves until they were satiated, the guests were so full they were ready for a nap.
saturnineADJ. /阴郁的/gloomy. Do not be misled by his saturnine countenance; he is not as gloomy as he looks.
saunterV. /漫步;闲逛/stroll slowly. As we sauntered through the park, we stopped frequently to admire the spring flowers.
savantN. /专家,学者/scholar. Our faculty includes many worldfamous savants.
savorV. /有滋有味儿的;享受这种滋味/enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality. Relishing his triumph, the actor especially savored the chagrin of the critics who had predicted his failure.
savoryADJ. /有味道的;吸引人的/tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable. Julia Child’s recipes enable amateur chefs to create savory delicacies for their guests.
scabbardN. /剑鞘/case for a sword blade; sheath. The drill master told the recruit to wipe the blood from his sword before slipping it back into the scabbard.
scadN. /大批的,许多/a great quantity. Refusing Dave’s offer to lend him a shirt, Phil replied, “No, thanks, I’ve got scads of clothes.”
scaffoldN. /脚手架;绞刑架/temporary platform for workers; bracing framework; platform for execution. Before painting the house, the workers put up a scaffold to allow them to work on the second story.
scamp N. /流氓,无赖/rascal. Despite his mischievous behavior, Malcolm was such an engaging scamp that his mother almost lacked the heart to punish him.
scantyADJ. /缺乏的;稀疏的/meager; insufficient. Thinking his helping of food was scanty, Oliver Twist asked for more.
scapegoatN. /替罪羊/someone who bears the blame for others. After the Challenger disaster, NASA searched for scapegoats on whom they could cast the blame.
scavengeV. /腐食;打扫/hunt through discarded materials for usable items; search, especially for food. If you need car parts that the dealers no longer stock, try scavenging for odd bits and pieces at the auto wreckers’ yards. scavenger, N.
schematicADJ. /示例的;示意性的/relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols. In working out the solution to this logic puzzle, you may find it helpful to construct a simple schematic diagram outlining the order of events.
schismN. /分离/division; split. Let us not widen the schism by further bickering.
scintillateV. /迸出火花;发出闪烁/sparkle; flash. I enjoy her dinner parties because the food is excellent and the conversation scintillates.
scoffV. /嘲弄,奚落/mock; ridicule. He scoffed at dentists until he had his first toothache.
scourgeN. /鞭笞;蹂躏/lash; whip; severe punishment. They feared the plague and regarded it as a deadly scourge. alsoV.
scrupleV. /踌躇;忧郁/fret about; hesitate, for ethical reasons. Fearing that her husband had become involved in an affair, she did not scruple to read his diary. also N.
scuffleV. /徘徊(思考问题);混战/struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry. The twins briefly scuffled, wrestling to see which of them would get the toy. When their big brother yelled, “Let go of my Gameboy!” they scuffled off down the hall. scurrilousADJ. obscene; indecent. Your scurrilous remarks are especially offensive because they are untrue.
scurryV. /轻快的;活泼的移动/move briskly. The White Rabbit had to scurry to get to his appointment on time.
scurvyADJ. /下流的;卑鄙的,无理的;坏血病/despicable; contemptible. Peter Pan sneered at Captain Hook and his scurvy crew.
scuttleV. /迈着碎步轻快的走/scurry; run with short, rapid steps. The bug scuttled rapidly across the floor.
scuttleV. /沉没/sink. The sailors decided to scuttle their vessel rather than surrender it to the enemy.
seamyADJ. /丑恶的;露出嘴脸的/sordid; unwholesome. In The Godfather, Michael Corleone is unwilling to expose his wife and children to the seamy side of his life as the son of a Mafia don. searV. char or burn; brand. Accidentally brushing against the hot grill, she seared her hand badly.
secessionN. /撤退;脱离/withdrawal. The secession of the Southern states provided Lincoln with his first major problem after his inauguration. secede,V.
sectarianADJ. /宗派主义的;地区主义的;宗派主义者;狭窄的/relating to a religious faction or subgroup; narrow-minded; limited. Far from being broad-minded, the religious leader was intolerant of new ideas, paying attention only to purely sectarian interests. sect. N.
secularADJ. /世俗的;现世的;永久的/worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal. The church leaders decided not to interfere in secular matters.
sedateADJ. /安静的;稳重的;低沉的/composed; grave. The parents were worried because they felt their son was too quiet and sedate.
sedentaryADJ. /久坐的;坐惯的/requiring sitting. Disliking the effect of her sedentary occupation on her figure, Stacy decided to work out at the gym every other day.
seditionN. /抵抗当局;反抗;暴动/resistance to authority; insubordination. His words, though not treasonous in themselves, were calculated to arouse thoughts of sedition.
seedyADJ. /破烂不堪的;褴褛的;不合适的/run-down; decrepit; disreputable. I would rather stay in dormitory lodgings in a decent youth hostel than have a room of my own in a seedy downtown hotel.
seepV. /渗出;渗漏/ooze; trickle. During the rainstorm, water seeped through the crack in the basement wall and damaged the floor boards. seepage, N.
seetheV. /扰乱的;沸腾/be disturbed; boil. The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen continued their arrogant ways.
seismicADJ. /地震的/pertaining to earthquakes. The Richter scale is a measurement of seismic disturbances.
seminaryN. /神学院;学院;发祥地/school for training future ministers; academy for young women. Sure of his priestly vocation, Terrence planned to pursue his theological training at the local Roman Catholic seminary.
sensualADJ. /感官的;肉欲的;感官论的/devoted to the pleasures of the senses; carnal; voluptuous. I cannot understand what caused him to abandon his sensual way of life and become so ascetic.
sententiousADJ. /简洁的;警句式的,格言式的/terse; concise; aphoristic. After reading so many redundant speeches, I find his sententious style particularly pleasing.
sentinelN. /哨兵/sentry; lookout. Though camped in enemy territory, Bledsoe ignored the elementary precaution of posting sentinels around the encampment