List 43 Flashcards
sequesterV. /隐退;隔离/isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude. Banished from his kingdom, the wizard Prospero sequestered himself on a desert island. To prevent the jurors from hearing news broadcasts about the case, the judge decided to sequester the jury.
serendipityN. /有发现意外之财的运气/gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck. Many scientific discoveries are a matter of serendipity. Newton was not sitting under a tree thinking about gravity when the apple dropped on his head.
N. /平静/calmness; placidity. The sound of air raid sirens pierced the serenity of the quiet village of Pearl Harbor
ADJ. winding; twisting. The car swerved at every curve in the serpentine road.
serratedADJ. /锯齿状的/having a sawtoothed edge. The beech tree is one of many plants that have serrated leaves.
servileADJ. /奴隶的;奴性的/slavish; cringing. Constantly fawning on his employer, humble Uriah Heap was a servile creature.
servitudeN. /奴隶身份;苦工/slavery; compulsory labor. Born a slave, Frederick Douglass resented his life of servitude and plotted to escape to the North.
severV. /切断/cut; separate. The released prisoner wanted to begin a new life and sever all connections with his criminal past. Dr. Guillotin invented a machine that could neatly sever an aristocratic head from its equally aristocratic body. Unfortunately, he couldn’t collect any severance pay. severance, N.
shackleV. /手铐;枷锁;脚镣/chain; fetter. The criminal’s ankles were shackled to prevent his escape. also N.
shamV. /佯装;假的;赝品/pretend. He shammed sickness to get out of going to school. also N.
shamblesN. /混乱的地方;肉铺/wreck; mess. After the hurricane, the Carolina coast was a shambles. After the New Year’s Eve party, the apartment was a shambles.
shardN. /碎片(陶瓷的)/fragment, generally of pottery. The archaeologist assigned several students the task of reassembling earthenware vessels from the shards he had brought back from the expedition.
sheafN. /捆;扎(秸秆)/bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together. The lawyer picked up a sheaf of papers as he rose to question the witness.
shearV. /剪;修剪/cut or clip (hair, fleece); strip of something. You may not care to cut a sheep’s hair, but Sarah shears sheep for Little Bo Peep.
sheatheV. /插入鞘/place into a case. As soon as he recognized the approaching men, he sheathed his dagger and hailed them as friends.
shimmerV. /微光/glimmer intermittently. The moonlight shimmered on the water as the moon broke through the clouds for a moment. also N.
shirkV. /逃避,推卸;避免/avoid (responsibility, work, etc.); malinger. Brian has a strong sense of duty; he would never shirk any responsibility.
shoddyADJ. /以次充好的;赝品/sham; not genuine; inferior. You will never get the public to buy such shoddy material.
shunV. /避免/keep away from. Cherishing his solitude, the recluse shunned the company of other human beings.
shyster N. /讼棍;政界的奸诈之徒/lawyer using questionable methods. On L.A. Law, Brackman is horrified to learn that his newly-discovered half brother is nothing but a cheap shyster.
simianADJ. /像猴的/monkeylike. Lemurs are nocturnal mammals and have many simian characteristics, although they are less intelligent than monkeys.
simileN. /明喻;比较/comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as. “My love is like a red, red rose” is a simile.