List 28 Flashcards
lampoonV. /讽刺的/ridicule. This article lampoons the pretensions of some movie moguls. also N.
languidADJ. /疲倦的,无精打采的/weary; sluggish; listless. Her siege of illness left her languid and pallid.
languorN. /衰弱,萧条/lassitude; depression. His friends tried to overcome the languor into which he had fallen by taking him to parties and to the theater.
larcenyN. /盗窃/theft. Because of the prisoner’s record, the district attorney refused to reduce the charge from grand larceny to petty larceny.
larderN. /食品室;储藏室/pantry; place where food is kept. The first thing Bill did on returning home from school was to check what snacks his mother had in the larder.
largess N. /赠送;赠礼/generous gift. Lady Bountiful distributed largess to the poor.
lassitudeN. /疲乏/languor; weariness. After a massage and a long soak in the hot tub, I gave in to my growing lassitude and lay down for a nap.
lateralADJ. /侧面的,侧向的/coming from the side. In order to get good plant growth, the gardener must pinch off all lateral shoots.
laudV. /赞美/praise. The NFL lauded Boomer Esiason’s efforts to raise money to combat cystic fibrosis. laudable, laudatory,ADJ.
lavishADJ. /浪费的,大方的/liberal; wasteful. The actor’s lavish gifts pleased her. alsoV.
IaxADJ. /粗心/careless. We dislike restaurants where the service is lax and inattentive.
leavenV. /发酵/cause to rise or grow lighter; enliven. As bread dough is leavened, it puffs up, expanding in volume.
lecheryN. /好色;动机不纯/lustfulness; impurity in thought and deed. In his youth he led a life of lechery and debauchery; he did not mend his ways until middle age. lecherous,ADJ.
leeryADJ. /机敏的;狡猾的/suspicious; cautious. Don’t eat the sushi at this restaurant; I’m a bit leery about how fresh the raw fish is.
legendN. /图例/explanatory list of symbols on a map. The legend at the bottom of the map made it clear which symbols stood for rest areas along the highway and which stood for public camp sites. (secondary meaning)
legerdemainN. /戏法;花招/sleight of hand. The magician demonstrated his renowned legerdemain.
leniency N. /温和;宽大,仁慈/mildness; permissiveness. Considering the gravity of the offense, we were surprised by the leniency of the sentence.
lethalADJ. /致命的/deadly. It is unwise to leave lethal weapons where children may find them.
lethargicADJ. /昏睡的;瞌睡的/drowsy; dull. The stuffy room made her lethargic: she felt as if she was about to nod off.
levitateV. /升空漂浮(魔法)/float in the air (especially by magical means). As the magician passed his hands over the recumbent body of his assistant, she appeared to rise and levitate about three feet above the table.
levityN. /轻佻,轻浮/lack of seriousness; lightness. Stop giggling and wriggling around in the pew: such levity is improper in church.
lewdADJ. /淫荡的,下流的,好色的;猥亵的/lustful. They found his lewd stories objectionable.
lexicographerN. /字典编纂者/compiler of a dictionary. The new dictionary is the work of many lexicographers who spent years compiling and editing the work.
liaisonN. /联络;连音/contact keeping parts of an organization in communication; go-between; secret love affair. As the liaison between the American and British forces during World War II, the colonel had to ease tensions between the leaders of the two armies. Romeo’s romantic liaison with Juliet ended in tragedy.
libelN. /诽谤;中伤/defamatory statement; act of writing something that smears a person’s character. If Batman wrote that the Joker was a dirty, ‘rotten, mass-murdering criminal, could the Joker sue Batman for libel?
librettoN. /歌词,剧本(舞剧,歌剧的)/text of an opera. The composer of an opera’s music is remembered more frequently than the author of its libretto.
licentiousADJ. /不道德的;下流的;放纵的/amoral; lewd and lascivious; unrestrained. Unscrupulously seducing the daughter of his host, Don Juan felt no qualms about the immorality of his licentious behavior.
lilliputianADJ. /极小的/extremely small. Tiny and delicate, the model was built on a lilliputian scale. also N.
limberADJ. /柔韧的;可塑的/flexible. Hours of ballet classes kept him limber.
limerickN. /五行打油诗/humorous short verse. The limerick form is the best; its meter is pure anapest. A limerick’s fun for most everyone, and the word may occur on your test.
limpidADJ. /清澈/clear. A limpid stream ran through his property.
linchpinN. /关键/something that holds or links various parts together. The linchpin in the district attorney’s case was a photograph showing the defendant shaking hands with the hired killer.
lineageN. /血统/descent; ancestry. He traced his lineage back to Mayflower days.
linimentN. /药膏;擦油/ointment; lotion; salve. The trainer carefully applied the liniment to the quarterback’s bruise, gently rubbing it into the skin.
lionizeV. /奉为名人;游览名胜/treat as a celebrity. She enjoyed being lionized and adored by the public.
liquidateV. /清算/settle accounts; clearup. He was able to liquidate all his debts in a short period of time.
listV. /倾斜/tilt; lean over. That flagpole should be absolutely vertical; instead, it lists to one side. (secondary meaning)
listlessADJ. /倦怠的,冷漠的/lacking in spirit or energy. We had expected him to be full of enthusiasm and were surprised by his listless attitude.
litanyN. /连续虔诚的祈祷/supplicatory prayer. On this solemn day, the congregation responded to the prayers of the priest during the litany with fervor and intensity.
litheADJ. /柔软的/flexible; supple. Her figure was lithe and willowy.
litigationN. /诉讼/lawsuit. Try to settle this amicably; I do not want to become involved in litigation. litigant, N.
lividADJ. /铅灰色的;青一块紫一块的;暴怒的/lead-colored; black and blue; enraged. His face was so livid with rage that we were afraid that he might have an attack of apoplexy.
loftyADJ. /高高在上的/very high. Though Barbara Jordan’s fellow students used to tease her about her lofty ambitions, she rose to hold one of the highest positions in the land.
loiterV. /闲逛;徘徊/hang around; linger. The policeman told him not to loiter in the alley.
lollV. /懒洋洋的坐或靠/lounge about. They lolled around in their chairs watching television.
loomV. /织布机/appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged or distorted form). The shadow of the gallows loomed threateningly above the small boy.
lopeV. /慢跑/gallop slowly. As the horses loped along, we had an opportunity to admire the ever-changing scenery. loquaciousADJ. talkative. Though our daughter barely says a word to us these days, put a phone in her hand and see how loquacious she can be: our phone bills are out of sight! loquacity, N.
loutN. /笨人,呆子/clumsy person. That awkward lout dropped my priceless vase!
lowV. /牛叫,哞/moo. From the hilltop, they could see the herd like ants in the distance; they could barely hear the cattle low.