List37 Flashcards
preceptN. /规则/practical rule guiding conduct. “Love thy neighbor as thyself” is a worthwhile precept.
precinctN. /行政区/district or division of a city. Ed McBain’s detective novels set in the 87th precinct provide an exciting picture of police work.
precipice N. /悬崖;危险的位置/cliff; dangerous position. Suddenly Indiana Jones found himself dangling from the edge of a precipice.
precipitateV. /下降;下坠/throw headlong; hasten. The removal of American political support appears to have precipitated the downfall of the Marcos regime.
precipitousADJ. /陡峭的;急躁的/steep; overhasty. This hill is difficult to climb because it is so precipitous; one slip, and our descent will be precipitous as well.
précisN. /大纲;摘要/concise summing up of main points. Before making her presentation at the conference, Ellen wrote up a neat précis of the major elements she would cover.
predicamentN. /困境;危险的境地;两难/tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma. Tied to the railroad tracks by the villain, Pauline strained against her bonds. How would she escape from this terrible predicament?
predilectionN. /偏爱;偏好/partiality; preference. Although I have written all sorts of poetry over the years, I have a definite predilection for occasional verse.
preemptV. /排挤,代替;阻止;抢占;先发制人/head off; forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself; supplant. Hoping to preempt any attempts by the opposition to make educational reform a hot political issue, the candidate set out her own plan to revitalize the public schools. preemptive,ADJ.
preenV. /把自己打扮漂亮;自我满足;鸟类用嘴梳理羽毛/make oneself tidy in appearance; feel self-satisfaction. As Kitty preened before the mirror, carefully smoothing her shining hair, she couldn’t help preening over how pretty she looked.
prehensileADJ. /可以得到的;可以抓住的/capable of grasping or holding. Monkeys use not only their arms and legs but also their prehensile tails in traveling through the trees.
prelate N. /高级教士/church dignitary. The archbishop of Moscow and other high-ranking prelates visited the Russian Orthodox seminary.
preludeN. /序;先驱;先导/introduction; forerunner. I am afraid that this border raid is the prelude to more serious attacks.
premeditateV. /预谋,预先考虑/plan in advance. She had premeditated the murder for months, reading about common poisons and buying weed killer that contained arsenic.
preposterousADJ. /荒唐的/absurd; ridiculous. When he tried to downplay his youthful experiments with marijuana by saying he hadn’t inhaled, we all thought, “What a preposterous excuse!”
prerogative N. /特权/privilege; unquestionable right. The president cannot levy taxes; that is the prerogative of the legislative branch of government.
prescienceN. /预示能力/ability to foretell the future. Given the current wave of Japan-bashing, it does not take prescience for me to foresee problems in our future trade relations with Japan.
presentiment N. /预感/feeling something will happen; anticipatory fear; premonition. Saying goodbye at the airport, Jack had a sudden presentiment that this was the last time he would see Jill.
pretentiousADJ. /自命不凡;华而不实;自大/ostentatious; pompous; making unjustified claims; overly ambitious. None of the other prize winners are wearing their medals; isn’t it a bit pretentious of you to wear yours?
preternaturalADJ. /超自然的/beyond what is normal in nature. Malcolm’s mother’s total ability to tell when he was lying struck him as almost preternatural.
pretextN. /借口;托辞/excuse. He looked for a good pretext to get out of paying a visit to his aunt.
prevaricateV. /撒谎;支吾,搪塞;糊弄/lie. Some people believe that to prevaricate in a good cause is justifiable and regard such a statement as a “white lie.”
primordialADJ. /原始的;与时间同在的/existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary. The Neanderthal Man is one of our primordial ancestors.
primpV. /打扮/groom oneself with care; adorn oneself. The groom stood by idly while his nervous bride-to-be primped one last time before the mirror.
proclivity N. /倾向;自然倾向/inclination; natural tendency. Watching the two-year-old voluntarily put away his toys, I was amazed by his proclivityfor neatness.
procrastinateV. /推迟;延期/postpone; delay or put off. Looking at four years of receipts and checks he still had to sort through, Bob was truly sorry he had procrastinated for so long and not finished filing his taxes long ago.
prodV. /刺;刺激;激励/poke; stir up; urge. If you prod him hard enough, he’ll eventually clean his room.
prodigalADJ. /浪费的/wasteful; reckless with money. Don’t be so prodigal spending my money; when you’ve earned some money yourself, you can waste it as much as you want! also N.
profaneV. /亵渎/violate; desecrate; treat unworthily. The members of the mysterious Far Eastern cult sought to kill the British explorer because he had profaned the sanctity of their holy goblet by using it as an ashtray. alsoADJ.
profligateADJ. /放荡的;放肆的;不检点的/dissipated; wasteful; wildly immoral. Although surrounded by wild and profligate companions, she nevertheless managed to retain some sense of decency.
profusion N. /过量;过剩/overabundance; lavish expenditure; excess. Freddy was so overwhelmed by the profusion of choices on the menu that he knocked over his wine glass and soaked his host. He made profuse apologies to his host, the waiter, the bus boy, the people at the next table, and the attendant handing out paper towels.
progenitor N. /祖先/ancestor. The Roth family, whose progenitors emigrated from Germany early in the nineteenth century, settled in Peru, Illinois.
progenyN. /后裔/children; offspring. He was proud of his progeny in general, but regarded George as the most promising of all his children.
prognosisN. /预言;疾病警告/forecasted course of a disease; prediction. If the doctor’s prognosis is correct, the patient will be in a coma for at least twenty-four hours.
proletarianN. /无产阶级的;蓝领的/member of the working class; blue collar person. “Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains” is addressed to proletarians, not preppies. So is Blue Collar Holler. proletariat, N.
prolixityN. /冗长的;啰嗦的/tedious wordiness; verbosity. A writer who suffers from prolixity tells his readers everything they never wanted to know about his subject (or were too bored to ask). prolix,ADJ.
prologueN. /序(诗歌,歌剧的)/introduction (to a poem or play). In the prologue to Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare introduces the audience to the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets.
prolongV. /拖延/make longer; draw out; lengthen. In their determination to discover ways to prolong human life, doctors fail to take into account that longer lives are not always happier ones.
prolongV. /拖延/make longer; draw out; lengthen. Have you ever noticed that Prince Charles’s prominent ears make him look like the big-eared character in Mad comics?
promiscuousADJ. /随意混合的;打乱的;随便的/mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular, particularly sexually. In the opera La Boheme, we get a picture of the promiscuous life led by the young artists of Paris.
promontoryN. /岬;海角/headland. They erected a lighthouse on the promontory to warn approaching ships of their nearness to the shore.
promulgateV. /发布;公布/proclaim a doctrine or law; make known by official publication. When Moses came down from the mountain top all set to promulgate God’s commandments, he freaked out on discovering his followers worshipping a golden calf.
proneADJ. /倾向于/inclined to; prostrate. She was prone to sudden fits of anger during which she would lie prone on the floor, screaming and kicking her heels.
propellantsN. /推进剂/substances that propel or drive forward. The development of our missile program has forced our scientists to seek more powerful propellants.
propensityN. /自然倾向/natural inclination. Convinced of his own talent, Sol has an unfortunate propensity to belittle the talents of others.
propinquity N. /亲近;血缘/nearness; kinship. Their relationship could not be explained as being based on mere propinquity; they were more than relatives, they were true friends.
propitiateV. /劝解;平静;安抚/appease. The natives offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods.