List 31 Flashcards
missiveN. /信件/letter. The ambassador received a missive from the secretary of state.
miteN. /小东西;小硬币/very small object or creature; small coin. Gnats are annoying mites that sting.
mnemonicADJ. /记忆的/pertaining to memory. He used mnemonic tricks to master new words.
mollifyV. /平息;安抚/soothe. The airline customer service representative tried to mollify the angry passenger by offering her a seat in first class.
moltV. /换毛;褪毛/shed or cast off hair or feathers. When Molly’s canary molted, he shed feathers all over the house.
monasticADJ. /僧侣的;遁入空门的,不问世事/related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns. Withdrawing from the world, Thomas Merton joined a contemplative religious order and adopted the monastic life.
monochromaticADJ. /单色的/having only one color. Most people who are color blind actually can distinguish several colors; some, however, have a truly monochromatic view of a world all in shades of gray.
monolithicADJ. /单片的,单块的;一体不动摇的/solidly uniform; unyielding. Knowing the importance of appearing resolute, the patriots sought to present a monolithic front.
monosyllabicADJ. /单音节的/having only one syllable. No matter what he was asked, the taciturn New Englander answered with a monosyllabic “Yep” or “Nope.” monosyllable, N.
monotonyN. /千篇一律的/sameness leading to boredom. What could be more deadly dull than the monotony of punching numbers into a computer hour after hour?
montage N. /蒙太奇/photographic composition combining elements from different sources. In one early montage, Beauchamp brought together pictures of broken mannequins and newspaper clippings about the Vietnam War.
moratoriumN. /延期偿还/legal delay of payment. If we declare a moratorium and delay collection of debts for six months, I am sure the farmers will be able to meet their bills.
mores N. /风俗习惯/conventions; moral standards; customs. In America, Benazir Bhutto dressed as Western women did; in Pakistan, however, she followed the mores of her people, dressing in traditional veil and robes.
moribundADJ. /垂死的/dying. Hearst took a moribund, failing weekly newspaper and transformed it into one of the liveliest, most profitable daily papers around.
morticianN. /殡仪业者/undertaker. The mortician prepared the corpse for burial.
mortifyV. /侮辱;体罚/humiliate; punish the flesh. She was so mortified by her blunder that she ran to her room in tears.
moteN. /小半点/small speck. The tiniest mote in the eye is very painful.
motifN. /主旨,本意;动机/theme. This simple motif runs throughout the entire score.
motleyADJ. /多彩的,杂色的;混合的/multi-colored; mixed. The jester wore a motley tunic, red and green and blue and gold all patched together haphazardly. Captain Ahab had gathered a motley crew to sail the vessel: old sea dogs and runaway boys, pillars of the church and drunkards, even a tattooed islander who terrified the rest of the crew.
mottledADJ. /有斑点的;弄脏的/blotched in coloring; spotted. When old Falstaff blushed, his face was mottled with embarrassment, all pink and purple and red.
muddleV. /迷惑的;搞乱了的,混淆了的/confuse; mix up. His thoughts were muddled and chaotic. also N.
muggyADJ. /又热又潮的(天气)/warm and damp. August in New York City is often muggy.
multifacetedADJ. /多面的/having many aspects. A multifaceted composer, Roger Davidson has recorded original pieces that range from ragtime tangos to choral masses.
multifariousADJ. /多样的;各式各样的/varied; greatly diversified. A career woman and mother, she was constantly busy with the multifarious activities of her daily life.
multiformADJ. /多态的/having many forms. Snowflakes are multiform but always hexagonal.
multilingualADJ. /多语种的/having many languages. Because they are bordered by so many countries, the Swiss people are multilingual.
multiplicityN. /多样性/state of being numerous. He was appalled by the multiplicity of details he had to complete before setting out on his mission.
munificentADJ. /宽宏大量的;慷慨大方的/very generous. Shamelessly fawning over a particularly generous donor, the dean kept on referring to her as “our munificent benefactor.” munificence, N.
murkyADJ. /暗的,模糊的,暧昧的/dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague. The murky depths of the swamp were so dark that one couldn’t tell the vines and branches from the snakes.
mushroomV. /膨胀,迅速生长/expand or grow rapidly. Between 1990 and 1999, the population of Silicon Valley mushroomed; with the rapidly increasing demand for housing, home prices skyrocketed as well.
muskyADJ. /麝香味儿的/having the odor of musk. She left a trace of musky perfume behind her.
musterV. /收集;集合/gather; assemble. Washington mustered his forces at Trenton. also N.
mustyADJ. /陈腐的,变质的;时间长损失品质的/stale; spoiled by age. The attic was dark and musty.
mutabilityN. /变化能力/ability to change in form; fickleness. Going from rags to riches, and then back to rags again, the bankrupt financier was a victim of the mutability of fortune.
mutinousADJ. /反抗的;暴动的/unruly; rebellious. The captain had to use force to quiet his mutinous crew. mutiny, N.
nadirN. /谷底,最低点;天底/lowest point. Although few people realized it, the Dow-Jones averages had reached their nadir and would soon begin an upward surge.
narcissistN. /自我陶醉的人;逞能的人/conceited person; someone in love with his own image. A narcissist is her own best friend.
nascentADJ. /初生的/incipient; coming into being. If we could identify these revolutionary movements in their nascent state, we would be able to eliminate serious trouble in later years.
nattyADJ. /穿着整齐干净的/neatly or smartly dressed. Priding himself on being a natty dresser, the gangster Bugsy Siegel collected a wardrobe of imported suits and ties.