List 41 Flashcards
respite N. /暂缓/interval of relief; time for rest; delay in punishment. After working nonstop on this project for three straight months. I need a respite! For David, the two weeks vacationing in New Zealand were a delightful respite from the pressures of his job.
resplendentADJ. /辉煌的;光辉的/dazzling; glorious; brilliant. While all the adults were commenting how glorious the emperor looked in his resplendent new clothes, one little boy was heard to say, “But he’s naked!”
responsivenessN. /响应的/state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc. The audience cheered and applauded, delighting the performers by its responsiveness.
restitution N. /归还;补偿/reparation; indemnification. He offered to make restitution for the window broken by his son.
restiveADJ. /焦躁不安的;难以压抑的/restlessly impatient; obstinately resisting control. Waiting impatiently in line to see Santa Claus, even the best-behaved children grow restive and start to fidget.
resumptionN. /恢复;重新开始/taking up again; recommencement. During summer break, Don had not realized how much he missed university life: at the resumption of classes, however, he felt marked excitement and pleasure. resume,V.
resurgeV. /复活/rise again; flow to and fro. It was startling to see the spirit of nationalism resurge as the Soviet Union disintegrated into a loose federation of ethnic and national groups. resurgence, N.
retaliationN. /报仇/repayment in kind (usually for bad treatment). Because everyone knew the Princeton Band had stolen Brown’s mascot, the whole Princeton student body expected some sort of retaliation from Brown. retaliate,V.
retentiveADJ. /保持的;记性好的/holding; having a good memory. The pupil did not need to spend much time studying, for he had a retentive mind and remembered all he read.
reticenceN. /不动声色的;深藏不露的;沉默寡言的/reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclination to silence. Fearing his competitors might get advance word about his plans from talkative staff members, Hughes preferred reticence from his employees to loquacity. reticent,ADJ.
retinueN. /随行人员;扈从/following; attendants. The queen’s retinue followed her down the aisle.
retractV. /撤回,撤退/withdraw; take back. When I saw how Fred and his fraternity brothers had trashed the frat house, I decided to retract my offer to let them use our summer cottage for the weekend. retraction, N.
retrenchV. /裁减,削减;紧缩,节约/cut down; economize. In order to be able to afford to send their children to college, they would have to retrench. retrenchment, N.
retributionN. /复仇;补偿;惩罚/vengeance; compensation; punishment for offenses. The evangelist maintained that an angry deity would exact retribution from the sinners.
retroactiveADJ. /反动的;(法律)追溯的(由制定之日前的某一天生效)/of a law that dates back to a period before its enactment. Because the law was retroactive to the first of the year, we found she was eligible for the pension.
retrogradeV. /倒退的/go backwards; degenerate. instead of advancing, our civilization seems to have retrograded in ethics and culture. alsoADJ.
revelryN. /狂欢/boisterous merrymaking. New Year’s Eve is a night of revelry
reverentADJ. /尊敬的;可敬的/respectful; worshipful. Though I bow my head in church and recite the prayers, sometimes I don’t feel properly reverent. revere,V.
reverieN. /冥想;发呆;白日梦/daydream; musing. He was awakened from his reverie by the teacher’s question.
revertV. /回复;故态复萌/relapse; backslide; turn back to. Most of the time Andy seemed sensitive and mature, but occasionally he would revert to his smart-alecky, macho, adolescent self.