Limitations Flashcards
What is the minimum TAT?
What is the runway slope limit?
+/- 2%
What is the maximum crosswind for take-off on a DRY runway?
35kts (gusts included)
What is the maximum crosswind for landing on a DRY runway?
40kts (gusts included)
What is the maximum crosswind for take-off on a WET runway?
35kts (gusts included)
What is the maximum crosswind for landing on a WET runway?
40kts (gusts included)
What is the maximum tailwind for take-off?
What is the maximum tailwind for landing?
What is the maximum wind for operating cabin or cargo doors?
What is VMO?
What is MMO?
What is the maximum speed to be able to extend the gear?
250kts/M 0.55
What is the maximum speed for operating with the gear down?
250kts/M 0.55
What is the maximum speed for operating the wipers?
What is the maximum taxi weight?
308 900kgs
What is the maximum take-off weight?
308 000kgs
What is the maximum landing weight?
233 000kgs?
What is the minimum weight for take-off?
155 000kgs
What is the minimum weight for landing and inflight?
138 000kgs
What is the maximum zero fuel weight?
220 000kgs
What is the limitation with respect to APU bleed air when considering an HP air start unit?
Do not use air from the APU bleed and the air start unit at the same time. This prevents damage to the bleed air system.
What is the maximum positive hull differential pressure?
+10.29 PSI
What is the maximum negative hull differential pressure?
-0.72 PSI
What is the limitation with respect to conditioned air from the packs when considering the use of external conditioned air?
Do not use air from the A/C packs at the same time as external conditioned air.
At what differential pressures can the ram air inlet be opened?
Pressures below 2 PSI
When is the autopilot permitted after take-off?
At least 5 seconds after lift-off.
What is the limitation on autopilot use during go-around>
Minimum 100 ft AGL
What is the limitation on autopilot use during approach with F-G/S?
200 ft AGL
What is the limitation on autopilot use during approach V/S or FPA mode?
200 ft AGL
What is the limitation on autopilot use during approach with APP-DES mode?
200 ft AGL
What is the limitation on autopilot use during with G/S mode and APPR1 on the FMA?
160 ft AGL
What is the limitation on autopilot use during approach with G/S mode and either LAND1 or LAND2 or LAND3 SINGLE/DUAL?
0 ft if autoland
80 ft if manual landing
What prohibits autopilot/flight director use during an approach?
With OP DES or DES modes if the AFS CP is set below MDA/H or 500ft AGL, whichever higher then neither the autopilot or flight director can be used.
What minima are enabled by the use of the SLS function?
LP/LPV minima.
Can an approach be flown to LP/LPV minima using FLS?
With Nav Primary and using the at least the flight director, what is the RNP accuracy for approach?
.3 NM
What is the minimum approved RNP for RNP AR approaches?
.1 NM
To be able to fly an approach based on radio aids with the FMS what capability must be displayed on the FMA?
What capability is required to fly an RNAV approach with either LNAV or LNAV/VNAV minima?
What vertical mode is used to fly the RNP AR approach?
What capability must be available to fly a navaids approach in NAV mode?
An RNAV flown to LNAV minima requires what nav status?
Which autopilot modes enable automatic landing?
What is the maximum airfield elevation for autoland?
9200 feet
What are the maximum runway gradients for autoland?
Is autoland permitted onto a contaminated runway?
What is the maximum crosswind for autoland?
What is the maximum headwind for autoland?
When considering wind for landing, which is limiting, the tower report or the ND display?
The tower report is limiting.
When the approach and landing capability is Land3 Dual what is the aircraft landing ability?
Autoland CATIIIB minima.
When the approach and landing capability is Land3 Single, what is the aircraft landing ability?
Autoland to CATIIIA minima.
When the approach and landing capability is Land2 Single, what is the aircraft landing ability?
Autoland to CAT2 minima
When the approach and landing capability is APPR 1 what is the aircraft landing ability?
Manual landing to CAT1 minima.
How does the OIL LEVEL LO ECAM advisory affect APU operation?
The APU can be operated but maintenance action is required within 20 hours.
How many consecutive start attempts are permitted on the APU?
3 then 60mins cooling.
How is the APU affected if there is a fuel spill during the refuel process?
The APU must be shut down.
APU start during the refueling procedure is affected how if the APU has auto shutdown or failed to start?
Start not permitted.
When is the APU generator usable?
Throughout the flight envelope
What is the max altitude for the APU to be able to assist in engine starting?
What is the max altitude for the APU to be able to assist in pack operation?
1 pack25000ft
2 packs 22500ft
What is the max continuous engine starter operation time?
Max continuous time is 5 mins
2 continuous cycles of 3 mins plus 1 of 1 min as long as there is a run down of and wait of30secs between cycles.
What are the engine warm up times?
5 mins if the engine has been shut down for 90 mins or more
2 mins if the engines were shut down for 90 mins or less
What is the maximum permitted fuel imbalance?
What is the maximum permitted brake temperature for take-off?
What is the maximum ground speed with a damaged or deflated tyre?
What are the limitations for the Backup Steering Function?
Not for use on contaminated runways
Not for turns of more than 90 degrees
No more than 2 turns to be made
What is the minimum oxygen pressure?
750 psi for one person on a spur.
1050 for two people on a spur