Approach Flashcards
What actions are required to cancel an approach mode?
Push either the LOC or APP push button.
If the approach is canceled and there is no longer a destination what are the steps to insert a new destination?
At the last waypoint on the flight plan make a lateral revision and redefine the destination.
What information does the energy circle provide on the ND?
The energy circle shows the required distance to descend, decelerate and land.
When does the energy circle appear on the ND?
When in HDG or TRK modes. The aircraft must be within 180 nm of the destination airport.
What is the risk associated with using speed brakes during the approach?
With a low speed margin, automatic increase of VLs due to speed brake extension can cause alpha floor to engage.
When is nav accuracy monitoring not required?
When NAV PRIMARY is available.
What is the sequencing relationship between Flap 2 and the gear?
The gear should be selected down as soon as possible after flap 2 has run so that the landing gear test has time to run.
What is the indication that the gear is down and locked?
The green triangle on the slats flaps display of the PFD.
What are the speed tolerances on the approach before a callout is required by the PM?
-5kts below speed target or +10 above
What are the tolerances on the approach for pitch before a callout is required?
Less than zero degrees or more than 10. 0/10
What is the bank angle limit on approach before a callout is required?
Above 6 degrees
What is the descent rate limit on approach before a callout is required?
More than 1200fpm ROD
What does this symbol mean?
The gear is in transit up.
What does the speed change symbol look like?
The speed change symbol is a magenta dot on the track line.
Could be acceleration or deceleration!
When is green dot visible on the speed tape?
In clean configuration only.
What does this symbol mean?
When is it displayed?
Indicates the point at which the aircraft will reach the altitude selected in the AFS CP during descent.
It is displayed when the aircraft is in NAV mode and a descent mode is armed or active.
What does this symbol mean?
When is it displayed?
Indicates the point at which the aircraft will level due to an FMC constraint.
It is displayed when the aircraft is in NAV mode and a descent mode is armed or active.
When is QNH set?
When cleared to an altitude.
What are the 10,000ft actions in the descent?
Seat belts
LS push button
Nav aidcheck
To monitor the descent the VERT DEV can be used on the PFD.
This is available in NAV, and with up to how much cross track deviation when using other lateral modes?
Up to 5nm cross track error
At what point do SOPs require Approach Activation?
15nm from touchdown if in HDG or TRK mode.
What are the acceptable parameters for the ILS capture envelope?
Within 10nms.
+/- 8° of the centre line of the glide path
+1.75°/-0.3° of the nominal glidepath angle
What is the procedure when cleared for an ILS approach?
Press the APP button on the AFS CP.
Engage the second autopilot.
Check the approach capability.
When G/S* is annunciated set the go-around altitude.
What are the factors used by the FMS in calculating the descent profile?
Top of descent calculated backwards from a point 1000ft on final approach with speed at Vapp.
It takes into account descent speed and altitude constraints.
The first segment is at idle until reaching the first altitude constraint.
The idle section is flown with idle thrust plus a small amount of thrust to give flexibility to account variable factors.
Subsequent segments are geometric and flown at an angle.
Holds are not taken into account for computation of TOD or fuel.
Ref PR-NP-SOP-170 00009496.0001001
What does the FMA THR DES indicate.
Thrust in the descent is idle thrust plus a small amount of thrust.
With which modes is managed thrust available in the descent?
Managed thrust is available in both managed and non managed vertical modes.
In which lateral modes is managed descent available.
In NAV only.
In which modes is the energy circle displayed?
In heading or track mode.
What is the slope angle of a managed descent profile from high altitude?
Approximately 2.5°
What rate of descent is achieved in DES mode when an early descent is initiated?
Approximately 1000ft/min until the calculated profile is reached.
What is the recommended point for initiating the descent?
It is recommended to start the descent a few miles before the TOD point to allow a smooth transition.
What is the recommended technique for managing a delayed descent?
Reduce speed (selected) towards green dot when passing the T/D point and then use managed speed once the descent is initiated to recover the profile.
How does the autopilot manage variable factors (wind, speed excursions etc) during the descent to maintain the profile in DES mode?
By using a variable 20kt speed range around the target speed before allowing deviations off the profile.
When does a path intercept point appear on the profile on the ND?
If the 20kt margin is not sufficient to absorb the speed excursion and maintain the aircraft on the calculated profile.
What assumptions are used in the calculation of the descent profile intercept point during descent?
Half speed brake deployed
During a descent, when high on the profile, if it’s not recaptured before the intercept symbol reaches the constraint waypoint, what message is displayed and where?
EXTEND SPD BRK appears on the MFD and the PFD.
What is the result of the aircraft using power against speed brake?
The message RETRACT SPD BRK is displayed on the MFD and PFD and the Speed Brake symbol turns amber.
What mode changes occur when the aircraft leaves NAV (HDG orTRK) mode in a managed descent?
V/S mode engages automatically.
What speed does the FMS schedule for the hold?
If the flight crew flies a holding pattern, an automatic speed reduction occurs to reach the maximum endurance speed when entering the holding pattern, provided NAV mode is engaged and the speed/Mach is managed.
The maximum endurance speed is approximately GD +20 kt and provides the lowest fuel consumption.
Which speed provides the lowest fuel consumption?
Green dot plus 20.
What speed should be flown in the hold if GD+20 is higher than the max holding speed?
Flap 1 should be selected and the S speed should be flown.
When is the holding pattern taken into account by the FMS for predictions?
When the holding fix is sequenced as the TO waypoint in the flight plan.
What assumptions are made about the holding pattern when the holding fix is sequenced?
That only one pattern will be flown.
What does the VDEV (yo-yo) show in the hold?
VDEV shows the deviation between the current aircraft altitude and the altitude at which the aircraft should leave the exit fix to be on the descent profile.
What rate of descent does DES command in the hold?
1000 fpm
Upon what is the hold’s last exit time and fuel information based?
This time and fuel figure is based upon the required minimum reserve as specified on the fuel and load page (Alt+Final).
What are the three segments of the approach?
Initial, intermediate and final.
What is the difference between the a decelerated approach and a stabilized approach?
On a stabilized approach the aircraft reaches the FAF in the landing configuration at Vapp.
On a decelerated approach the aircraft reaches 1000 agl in the landing config at Vapp.
What happens to the speed target at activation of the approach?
The FMS targets Vapp or the speed constraint at the FAF if inserted but is restricted to the short term speed target, green dot (clean), S speed (Flaps 1) or F speed (Flaps 2, or 3).
What is the managed speed target when the aircraft is clean and the approach has been activated?
Green dot for the short term managed target (magenta dot).
VLS or the FAF speed constraint, if inserted, for the normal speed bug (magenta triangle)
During the approach, when flaps are selected to 1, at what speed are trailing edge flaps extended during the deceleration?
Two options
FCTM: 203 kts Ref: PR-NP-SOP-190-CONF 00009506.0002001
FCOM; 214 kts Ref: DSC-27-20-20 00013661.0002001
What is the recommended procedure for extending the next configuration of flap with managed speed?
The next stage of flap should be extended when reaching the short term managed trend bug +10 kts when decelerating.
e. g. Green dot+10…..Select Flaps 1
e. g. S Speed+10…….Select Flaps 2
What is the sequence of actions for configuring to the next stage of flap in selected speed?
Call for the next stage of flap.
Select the speed to the new datum.
There is no need to wait for the flap to run.
What is the speed range of the FMS calculated Vapp?
The minimum is VLS+5kts
The maximum is VLS+15kts
Where is VAPP derived and where and when is it displayed?
VAPP is provided by the FMS and is displayed on the APPR panel of the ACTIVE/PERF page after the crew has inserted landing wind and configuration data.
What data is used for calculation of VAPP?