FMA SOPS Flashcards
Which FMAs are the PF responsible for?
The PF is responsible for reading changes to the active FMAs, green and white.
Which FMAs are the PM responsible for?
The PM is responsible for reading the armed FMAs, blue and magenta.
The PM states the colour of new armed FMAs.
Who reads what and when?
The PF should read the active modes first, followed by the PM.
Mode changes are read from left to right.
What is the call when the autobrake is armed during taxi-out?
By whom?
Brake RTO Blue!
Made by PM
What call is sometimes made as the runway is entered and line-up completed?
Runway Blue!
Made if a valid localizer signal is captured.
Called by PM.
When a change occurs on the FMA what happens?
The FMA change is boxed in white for 10 seconds.
At acceleration altitude what happens to the SRS system?
SRS disengages and is replaced by CLB mode.
Who announces autopilot status?
If an altitude constraint is captured during the climb what is the FMA sequence?
ALT CST captures.
CLB is automatically armed.
When BTV is armed in preparation for the arrival, what is the FMA sequence?
PM announces the armed brake mode ‘BTV Blue’.
When APPR is armed and the second autopilot is engaged what is the FMA sequence?
The PF callouts out the approach capability and autopilot status FMA.
e.g. ‘Land3 Dual, AP 1+2’
PM calls out the armed modes in blue.
LOC Blue, G/S Blue
What happens at 350ft during an autoland approach?
The LAND FMA is checked and annunciated by the PF.
The call is ‘LAND’ by the PF.
Who calls the FLARE FMA?
Nobody calls the FLARE FMA.
PM calls NO FLARE if its absent.
What is the sequence of calls for PM on the rollout?
ROLLOUT (if autoland)
Why is 300ft important for the PM during an autoland?
After 300ft the PM announces all mode changes (after PF has made the LAND call).
What is the significance of the autoland light?
The autoland light flashes below 200ft agl if the conditions to perform an automatic landing are no longer met.