Limb Embryology X Flashcards
Derivatives of Scleratome
Chondroblasts - cartiligounous precursors of axial skeleton = vertebral bodies + interveterbral discs (notochord)
Derivatives of Dermatome
Derivatives of Myotome
Inducing of limb buds
Mesenchyme capped by ectoderm, appearing week 4
Divided in ventral flexors and dorsal extensors
Anatomical organization of limb bud v adult limbs
.Myotomes have segmental distribution in the embryo.
most muscles are innervated by more than one spinal segment
To bone and skeletal muscle - origin
Mesoderm - Somites - Dermamyotomes - Myotomes & Dermotome
Medoderm - Somites - Mesencyme - Chondroblasts - Cartilaginous precursors - bone (endochondral ossification)
Extremity rotation during development
Upper limb rotates 90 laterally and Lower limb roates 90 medially
Anterior v posterior Brachial plexus UE
Nerve branches of anterior division go to flexors while posterior division go to extensors
Also in leg (but turned)
Adult dermatome
dermatomal v peripheral nerve innervation + clinical significance
Sensory loss overlapping dermatomes can indicate lesions closer to spine
Problems can be related to peripheral nerves (Which have own pattern of cutaneous innvervation) or dermatomes
malformation of parts of limb - Syndactyly