Lesson 2 : Diastole and Systole, Trained v untrained HR at maximal and submaximal workloads Flashcards
Diastole Phase - what, where and when?
1- The heart at this point is relaxing and fills with blood.
2- The atria fills with blood and pressure builds within these chambers.
3- As the pressure increases, rhe valves begin to slowly open and let small amounts of blood through
Systole Phase - what, where and when?
Pressure has built up in the atria during diastole phase.
Atrial systole phase
1 - valves are now forced open, noth atrial contract and remaining blood is forced into the ventricles.
Ventricular systole phase
2- Blood is now in ventricles, ventricles now contract increasing the pressure within these chambers.
Aortic SEMILUNAR valve and Pulmonary SEMILUNAR valve are forced open, allowing blood to be pushed through into the Aorta or Pulmonary Artery.
What are the short term effects of exercise?
- Increased HR due to rising adrenaline levels.
- Increased SV due to stronger ventricular contractions.
- Increased cardiac output.
What are the long term effects of exercise?
- More red blood cells.
- Decreased risk of diseases - cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancers.
- Lower resting HR.
- Increased number of capillaries in muslces - more oxygen.
- Increase in blood volume.
- Increase in resting SV
- Hypertrophy (heart muscle is stronger)
Maximal vs Submaximal HR
(look at graph for reference)
A - Anticipatory rise due to hormonal action of adrenaline which causes the SAN to increase HR
B - Sharp rise due to mainly aerobic work
C - HR continues to rise due to maximal workloads stressing the anaerobic systems. (THIS STAGE IS MAXIMAL EXERCISE ONLY)
D - Steady state as the athlete is able to meet the oxygen demand with the oxygen supply. (THIS STAGE IS SUB-MAXIMAL EXERCISE ONLY)
E - Rapid decline in HR as soon as the exercise stops.
F - Slower recovery as body systems return to resting levels. HR needs to remain elevated to rid the body od waste products (lactic acid).
Sub-maximal exercise reaches resting HR, Maximal exercise does NOT.