Leg Muscles Flashcards
O - Femur (post condyles)
I - Calcaneus via the Achilles’ tendon
A - Plantarflexion (PF) at the ankle;
assists F at the knee
O- Posterior upper fibula
- posterior middle tibia
- interosseous membrane
I- calcaneus via achilles’ tedon
A- PF at ankle
Tibialis posterior
O - Posterior tibia
- posterior fibula
- interosseous membrane
I - plantar surface of several metatarsals and tarsals
A - invert (INV) the foot
- assist in PF at ankle
Tibialis anterior
O - proximal, lateral tibia;
- interosseous membrane
I - plantar surface of metatarsal 1 and a tarsal (med. cuneiform)
A - INV the foot
- dorsiflex (DF) at ankle
Fibularis Longus (peroneus longus)
O - lateral head of the fibula
I - plantar surface of metatarsal 1 and medial cuneiform tarsal
A - Evert (EV) the food;
- assist in PF at ankle
Fibularis brevis (peroneus brevis)
O - lateral distal 1/2 of the fibula
I - base of metatarsal 5
A - EV the foot
- assist PF at ankle
Flexor digitorum longus
O - Middle posterior tibia
I - toes 2-5 - plantar surface
A - flex toes 2-5
assist invert the foot
assist PF of ankle
Flexor hallucis longus
O - posterior distal fibula
- interosseous membrane
I - hallux
A - F toes 1
- assist INV of foot
-assist PF at ankle
Extensor digitorum longus
O - Lateral proximal tibia
anterior proximal fibula
interosseous membrane
I - dorsal side of toes 2-5
A - E Toes 2-5
DF at ankle
Extensor hallucis longus
O - anterior middle fibula
interosseous membrane
I - dorsal surface of big toe
A - E toe 1/big toe
assist DF at ankle