Lecture 9 p3: behaviour in a social context Flashcards
Series Of Psychological Studies
Conducted to understand why these individuals did nothing
● Boiled down to everyone passing off responsibility through a socially low thing.
○ This led to the concept of group polarization
rebel group in a dystopian novel (hunger games)
group polarization
where people tend to think a lot alike and act in isolation.
lost in the sauce
group polarization can lead to feelings of…
■ Isolation
■ Directive Leadership
■ Self-censorship
■ Self-appointed Minds
jury duty
Group thinking influenced by various factors, such as…
○ The need to reach a decision
○ The isolation of the group
○ Directive leadership
○ Defective Decision-making
pros of Being Part Of A Group
● Part of the psychological well-being
● Being around others has advantages such as:
○ Sharing Resources
○ Burdens
○ Helping Others
○ Access to Financial Sexual Partners
○ More help raising kids
● Being around others means eventually finding something that people are interested in romantically.
Usually the first phase of most friendships and romantic relationships, and it is often based on proximity.
Physical Closeness
The best predictor of who will cross paths and eventually become attractive
Friendships usually based on…
○ Similarities
○ Shared interests
○ Attitudes
○ Values
facts about friendship
● Perceived similarities more than actual similarities.
● Similar demographics, age, sex, and social violence can also play a role in determining attraction.
● Friendships are characterized by social support and self-disclosure
○ This can lead to intimacy and long-lasting relationships.
● Women tend to have more intimate and long-lasting friendships, as they rely on friends for meeting social emotions and events.
● Men friendships tend to involve activities, sharing information, and playing sports, rather than actual intimate and slow connections.
● Play a huge role in various forms, such as near exposure
● Makes people feel more familiar with the person.
pretty privliege
Social Structure Theory
Suggests that differences in physical attractiveness and earning potential can change the function of gender equality.
Quality Over Quantity
Important in friendships, with quality being better than quantity
Are governed by rewards and cost, and partners experience the same experiences, regardless of sexual orientation
highschool friend groups
Autosex Friendships
● Provide companionship and opportunities to learn about their differences.
● As individuals age, the number of friends and time spent with them may decline due to other responsibilities such as family and work.
aunt nancy
facts about Social Structure Theory
● Opposites do not detract from relationships, as they can teach complementary roles.
● Social change theory suggests that relationships are governed by rewards and costs, and partners experience the same things.
Actual Similarities
● Are less important than perceived similarities, as most intimate partners share demographics, attitudes, and values.
● If there is a discrepancy between two individuals, it is likely due to other factors.
Interpersonal Relationships components
○ Passion
○ Intimacy
○ Commitment
Grows over time as people spend more time together, do things together, and get things done as a couple.
Out groups
social groups that the individual doesn’t identify with
A deep-cutting, emotional engagement, form of communication, and openness that takes time to build
Romantic Love
Some Eastern cultures have different perspectives on romantic love, as they have all healed interdependence
if you have passion and commitment…
its called patch with love
if you have passion, intimacy, commitment it is called…
consummate love
Another aspect of love, which includes companionship and love.
● If you get all three together, you will kind of shift throughout the course of the relationship.
● The passion wears off, and you don’t necessarily want to be engaged in that kind of hot and heavy activity anymore
Intimate Partner Violence
● Another aspect of love, not limited by culture, ethnicity, specific sexual orientation, or marital status.
● There is no one defined characteristic that predicts intimate partner violence, but it usually includes physical, sexual, and psychological harm.
Physical Violence facts
● The most commonly reported type of person, but the vast majority of these acts remain unreported.
● Both men and women are born experiencing similar rates of physical assault during events, and there is no gender difference in age and partner violence.
● Both men and women can be violence towards their partner, but stereotypical ways of going about it can lead to misunderstandings.
● Institutions are available to help victims of intimate partner violence, but not for poor men.
Violence facts
● Causes poor violence, and spouses who abuse show higher rates of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and display possessive jealousy and pro-behavioral behavior.
● They are typically experiencing something outside of the relationship and don’t know how to deal with it and start to express themselves in the relationship through violent means.
● Abusers often fail to see their role in the abuse and blame their partner
In Groups
In groups are perceived to be more similar to the individual, more complex, variable, and better overall.
Interaction in a Group Therapy Session facts
● The therapist asked the participants why they didn’t kill the person they were in control of.
● They realized that they had some measure of control and chose to deserve the extent of their behavior.
● This realization helped them make meaningful progress. About 36% of women and 29% of men will experience native partner violence during their life, with contextual factors like poverty, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse playing a significant role
Labeling benefits
psychologically motivated, as people who are different may have historically been around to murder them at the ORC.
help us forget our hunter-gatherer ancestors and potentially grab things.
People engage in in-groups and out-groups because…
it makes them feel less, boosts self-esteem, and makes them special.
tension between certain types of groups can be…
be stronger due to long-standing tensions.
see smthin i like therefore important
Implicit Associations
implicit association pass, where individuals categorize stimuli based on their perceived importance.
The Concept of Self vs other and Moral versus Immoral
● The speaker believes that there is no meaningful way to distinguish between them, as just because someone thinks others are immoral doesn’t mean they think of themselves as a moral and a tool.
● By stating that while we naturally tend to favor our in-groups, it doesn’t necessarily mean we will be nasty for our groups.
false dillema
The Concept of False Psychology
Suggests that there are more than just good and bad, neutral, or irrelevant.
● There can be multiple racial categories, as there are not just black and white people, but also other kinds of people.