Lecture 8 Flashcards
What is a volvulus
Twisting on its mesenteric axis Up to 720 rotation
What is torsion
Rotation along length of long axis
What doe volvulus and torsion cause
Vascular obstruction, ischaemic injury, infarction Mesenteric oedema, congestion, haemorrhage, necrosis
What can intestinal disorders cause in horses
Colic, intestinal rupture and death
What are the intestinal disorders in horses
Intestinal volvulus/torsion of horses Pedunculated lipomas of horses Renospenic entrapment in horses
Where does intestinal volvulus/torsion of horses commonly occur
Left dorsal and left ventral colon ar diaphragmatic and sternal flexure
Where does predunculated lipomas of horses commonly occur
Wrap around intestinal mesentery or intestine and causes intestinal ischaemia and strangulation
Where does renosplenic entrapment of horses commonly occur
Left dorsal displacement of left dorsal or ventral colon between spleen and left body wall
What are some intestinal disorders
Large intestinal and caecal rupture Intestinal diverticula Muscular hypertrophy of ileum
What causes large intestinal and caecal rupture
Post-parturient mares Causes include: impaction, anaesthesia, rectal palpation
What causes intestinal diverticula
Mucosal epithelial lined cavities - May extend through all layers to serosa - May rupture -> peritonitis
What is muscular hypertrophy of ileum
Tunica muscular hypertrophy - Incidental or can cause impaction and rupture
What is an example of an intestinal intoxicant
- Ingested irritants - Corticosteroids - NSAIDS
What can ingested irritants cause
Lesions in mouth, oesophagus, stomach and intestine - Haemorrhage and inflammation - Ulceration and sloughing of mucosal lining
Why do corticosteroids cause ulceration and perforation of GIT
- Reduced cell turnover and dealt healing - Decreased mucous production - Increased gastrin and hence acid production, reduced PGs
What causes NSAIDS to caused erosion, ulcers haemorrhage and necrosis
Detect contact (orally) and reduced protective PG synthesis
Parasite causing vascular disorder in intestines of horse
Strongylus vulgaris
Explain the migration of strongyles vulgaris
- 3rd stage larvae are ingested and moult to 4th stage larvae in intestines - Migrate through small arterioles to the wall of cranial mesenteric artery