Lecture 2 Flashcards
What does the onset and rate of PM changes depend on
- Environmental and body temperature 2. Cause of death
Are PM changes pathological
No, because it occurs after death
What must you refrigerate bodies and not freeze them
Intra and extracellular crystals disrupt cells and makes histopathological interpretation difficult
What tissues decompose more rapidly
GIT and nervous tissue
What do tissues need to be fixed in to be able to determine subtle histological changes
Define Rigor Mortis
Contraction of muscles after death
Why does rigor mortis occur
Depletion of glycogen prevents synthesis of ATP after death and without ATP the muscle fibres do not relax, resulting in contraction of muscles and immobilisation of joints
What muscles have rigor mortis first
Involuntary muscles then voluntary muscles starting with the head and defending to the trunk and libs
When does rigor mortis occur
1-6 hours of death
How long can rigor mortis persist
1-2 days
What animals have stronger rigor mortis
Muscular animals
What accelerates onset of rigor
High temperature and activity before death
What animals may not show rigor mortis
Animals with cachexia or extreme malnutrition
What don’t animals with cachexia or extreme malnutrition show rigor
Because stores of ATP and glycogen are so low that contraction of myofibres is not possible
What is Algor Mortis
Gradual cooling of the cadaver
With algor what is cooling dependent on
What not to confuse lens opacity with
What is another name for livor mortis
Hypostatic congestion
What is livor mortis/hypostatic congestion
Gravitational pull of blood to the down side of the animal
When does livor mortis/hypostatic congestion occur
Within an hour of death
where is livor mortis/hypostatic congestion seen
Externally in the skin
What colour animal is livor mortis/hypostatic congestion best seen in
On white animals
What do you get with bloating
Organ displacement
Where can you see livor mortis/hypostatic congestion internally the best