Lecture 26- Apoptosis Flashcards
How many cells are in a C. elegans?
How many cells of C. elegans die to apoptosis
What is necrosis
“Normal” cell death in which the cell explodes or leaks
What is autophagy
Cell on cell digestion
What happens to the nucleus in apoptosis
It gets digested so that there is no usable information left
What is blebbing
Cell becomes divided into small pieces
What is phagocytosis
Cell blebs are eaten by neighboring cells
What is a TUNEL assay
It is a technique used to detect apoptotic cells (in vitro)
What is BrdU
It stains broken DNA
Used in TUNEL assay
Where are the cells that decide apoptosis to occur or not located?
In the mitochondria
What is Bax
Pro-apoptotic protein
What is Bcl-2
Anti-apoptotic protein
What happens when there is too much Bax?
Pores form in outer membrane
Cytochrome-c leaves the mitochondria
What is Apaf1
An adapter protein
What is Apaf1 activated by?
What does it bind to?
Bind to pro-caspase
What are caspaces?
Proteases that degrade essential cell machinery
What are TNF receptors
On the surface of the surface of the cell that respond to extra cellular signals that cause the cell to go into apoptosis