Lecture 1: Introduction to Veterinary Parasitology Flashcards
How do taxonomists classify organisms into groups
Based on characteristics/characters that group members share in common
Characters: morphological, physiological, molecular, behavioral
What is the scutum
Dorsal plate (back)
How do you differentiate between ornate and inornate
Coloration/markings are present in ornate but not in inomate
Classifying the following as ornate, inornate and then long vs short palps
Both: ornate
Left: long palps
Right: short palps
Identify the following as ornate or inornate and then long vs short palps
Both: inornate
Left: long palps
Right: short palps
What does symbiosis mean
Living together
What is a mutualism symbiosis
Both the Protozoa and host benefit
Provide an example of mutualism
Gut flagellate and termite
What is a commensal symbiosis
Protozoa benefits and the host is neither harmed or helped
Provide an example of commensalism
Entamoeba coli and monkey
What is the parasitic symbiosis
Protozoan benefits and host is harmed
Provide an example of parasitism
E. Histolytica and monkey
How do we differentiate commensal vs parasitic amoebae histologically
Commensal amoebae mature cyst contain 8 nuclei (octonucleate)
Parasitic amoebae mature cyst contain 4 nuclei (quadrinucleate)
What are the three traditional groups of parasites
- Parasitic Protozoa
- Helminths/ parasitic worms
- Parasitic arthropods
Name 3 common parasitic worms/helminths
- Nematodes
- Tapeworms
- Flukes
Which type of parasites infest the skin, hair, and feathers
Provide some examples of ectoparasites
Ticks and lice
What type of parasites infect the internal organs and tissues
Provide some examples of endoparasites
Tapeworms and hookworms
Equine blood worm (strongylus vulgaris) exhibit a change in predilection site. Where are they located as fourth stage larvae vs as adult worms
Fourth stage larvae: in wall of cranial mesenteric artery
Adult worms: attach to mucosa of equine colon and cecum
What are some adaptations parasites have for feeding
Piercing/sucking mouthparts
Hooks, suckers, spines and other holdfast organs
Parasites release ___ and ____ during hematophagy during feeding
Anticoagulants and vasodilators
Tapeworms and hook worms don’t have mouths or guts so how do they absorb nutrients
Across parasites outer surface
What mechanisms do parasites use to deter hosts
Acid and enzyme resistant eggs, cysts, larval stages, avoid immune response, counter immune response
How do parasites avoid immune response
Antigenic variation, intracellular habitat, encystment within the host
How do parasites counter immune response
Immunomodulation, kill immune cells, cleave antibodies
What adaptations do parasites have to ensure successful reproduction and transmission
High reproductive potential, environmentally resistant eggs and cysts, host seeking behavior, altering host behavior
What are some methods of ensuring high reproductive potential in parasites
Asexual reproduction, hermaphroditism, high output of eggs, cysts
What are two examples of host seeking behavior
- Questing tick
- Canine hookworm larvae remain close to surface level in soil to increase chances of encountering a host
Provide a common example of a parasite that alters host behavior
Taenia multiceps (tapeworm) migrates to brain in sheep resulting in gid (ataxia/circling) making sheep easy prey for canids and facilitating transmission
What are some examples of parasites modes of transmission
- Ingestion of eggs, cysts, larvae in food/water
- Direct contact between hosts
- Transplacental; transmammary
- Penetration of skin or mucous membranes
- Vector transmission
Infectious disease of non-human animals transmitted to humans
How can you determine male vs female in ticks
Look at scutum:
Male have scutum that covers majority of dorsal aspect
Female: covers only a piece of dorsal aspect
What type of tick is this and which is male and which is female
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Left: male
Right: female
What type of tick is this and which is male vs female
Amblyomma Americanium
Left: male
Right: female