Lec 26- Female Reproductive System Flashcards
contain large number of follicles that produce female gametes (eggs or ova) in ovarian cycle.
Produce female gametes (eggs or ova) in ovarian cycle.
Fallopian tubes
Tube that connects ovaries to uterus.
Extension of fallopian tube that partially cover each ovary. Cilia of its lining draw in ovulated eggs.
1 of 3 uterus layers; outer layer of connective tissue.
1 of 3 uterus layers; middle layer of smooth muscle.
1 of 3 uterus layers; hormonally-responsive inner epithelial layer that is shed during menstration.
the process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth.
Ovaries contain 6-7 million oogenia.
An immature female reproductive cell that gives rise to primary oocytes by mitosis.
Toward end of gestation, oogenia become primary oocytes; which being meiosis but arrest in prophase I.
Primary follicle
contain primary oocytes.
Consisting of oocyte + follicle cells
Secondary follicle
Those primary follicles that continue on and develop vesicles.
Part of graafian follicle.
One follicle continues growth; vesicles fuse, forming fluid-filled cavity called and antrum.
Graafian folicle
One follicle continues growth; vesicles fuse, forming fluid-filled cavity called and antrum.
Is now called a graafian follicle.
Corona radiata
secondary oocyte is enclosed by ring of granulosa cells called corona radiata.
Zona pellucida
Between oocyte and radiata is gelatinous layer called zona pellucida; which forms barrier to sperm penetration.
Thecal cells
Theca cells are the endocrine cells associated with ovarian follicles that play an essential role in fertility by producing the androgen substrate required for ovarian estrogen biosynthesis. Thecal cells differentiate from the interfollicular stroma in response to proteins secreted from growing follicles.
Artretic follicles
follicles that don’t survive; degenerate.
Did not receive enough FSH, so they die.
Surviving graafian follicle forms bulge on surface of ovary; secretes increasing levels of E.
Corpus luteum
LH causes empty follicle to become corpus luteum. Thecal cells use LH to make CL to make progesterone. If no fertilization occurs it becomes non-functional remnant.
Secreted by CL
Corpus albicans
non functional remnant that was once the CL; happens when no fertilization occurs
Menstral cycle
around 28 days.
Dau one is the first day of menstration.
Follicular phase
Days 1 through ovulation of mentral cycle.
Luteal phase
Time from ovulation to menstration in menstral cycle.
Menstrual phase
One of 3 endometrial changes.
Results from drop in P and E following CL degeneration. If no fertilization occurs.
Low P causes constrcition of spiral arteries.
Blood flow stops, cuasing necrosis and sloughing off of endometrium.
Proliferative phase
one of the endometrial changes.
occurs during follicular phase; E levels increase
E causes cervical mucus to become thin and watery to allow sperm penetration.
Secretory phase
One of 3 endometrial changes.
Occurs during luteal phase; endometriu, becomes ready for implantation.
P & E cause endometrium to become thick, vascular and spongy.
P causes cervial mucus to thicken and become sticky.
Oral contraceptives
pills usualy contain synthetic E and P taken daily for 3 weeks after menstrual period.
Mimic CL so that negative feedback inhibits ovulation.
Woman no longer ovulates; no more eggs
Normally occurs in fallopian tubes.
Egg and sperm meet and implant on endometrium.
When freshly ejaculated sperm are infertile and must spend >7hrs in female reproductive tract to be fertile.
Acrosomal reaction
Sperm tunneling through the barriers surrounding an ovum.
Once one sperm that interacts correctly with ZP3 receptors, the zona pellucida forms a barrier that won’t allow any other sperm to enter.
Sperm and egg fused cell that enters the uterus.
Day 4 or 5 after fertilization
hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin
Hormone produces by blastocyst.
Is similar to LH and keeps CL from degenerating - maintains E and P levels.
Early pregnancy tests detect this.
Declines by 10th week. Is only required for 1st 6 weeks at which time E and P from placenta take over.
The cytotrophoblast (or layer of Langhans) is the inner layer of the trophoblast. It is interior to the syncytiotrophoblast and external to the wall of the blastocyst in a developing embryo.
secretes enzymes that create blood-filled cavities in menstrual tissue.
Digest way into endometrial lining.
Chorion frondosum
Cytotrophoblast forms villi that grow into cavities producing chorion frondosum on the uterine wall side.
Secretion of oxytocin starts uterine contraction and makes them stronger for birth.
Mammary glands
Produce milk
Mammary ducts
Send out milk to the nipple.