Lec 11- Smooth and Cardiac Muscle Flashcards
An intracellular Ca2+ binding protein that, on activation by Ca2+, induces a change in in structure and function of another intracellular protein; especially important in smooth-muscle excitation-contraction coupling.
Myosin Phosphatase
An enzyme that is responsible for removing the phosphate group (dephosphorylating) from the regulatory chains near the myosin head group.
Stop contraction in the smooth muscle cells.
Single-unit smooth muscle
Most smooth muscle. Found in the walls of hollow organs or viscera.
When excited, contract as a single unit. Contain gap junctions.
Multiunit smooth muscle
Consists of multiple discrete units that function independently of one another and must be separately stimulated by nerves to undergo action potentials and contract.
Found: 1. walls of large blood vessels
2. small airways to the lungs
3. muscle of eye that adjusts lens to near and far vision
4. iris
5. base of hair follicles (goosebumps)
Slow wave potential
Are spontaneous, gradually alternating depolarizing and hyperpolarizing swings in potential brought about by known mechanisms.
Occur only in smooth muscle of the digestive tract.
Latch state
enables smooth muscle to maintain tension with comparatively less ATP consumption because each cross-bridge cycle uses up one molecule of ATP.
Interconnected muscle cells that funciton electrically and mechanically as a unit.
Seen in single-unit smooth muscle cells.
Have gap junctions.
Pacemaker potential
the membrane potential of specialized muscle cells gradually depolarizes on its own because of shifts in passive ionic fluxes accompanying automatic changes in channel permeability.
Intercalated disk
Joins cardiac muscle cells (end to end) through branching fibers.
A type of adhering junction that mechanically holds cells together.
Gap junction
Areas of low electrical resistance that allow AP’s to spread from one cardiac cell to adjacent cells
Pacemaker cells
Initiate and conduct AP’s responsible for contraction
NO (nitric oxide)
brings about local arteriolar vasodilation by causing relaxation of arteriolar smooth muscle in the vicinity.
Contractile cells
99% of cardiac muscle cells, do the mechanical work of pumping. Normally do not initiate their own AP’s
Plateau phase
maintained by Ca2+ coming in slow
MLCK (myosin light chain kinase)
Activated by Ca2+-calmodulin complex.
Phosphorylates and activates myosin.
Myosin forms crossbridges with actin.
Regulatory light chains
Dense bodies
smooth muscles have this; contains the same protien constituent found in Z lines
(smooth muscles do not have Z lines)
Nerve independent contractile activity initiated by the muscle itself.
Found only in single unit smooth muscle.