Leadership Flashcards
What is Lewin’s style of leadership?
Laissez Faire
What is authoritarian style from Lewin’s leadership?
Formal leadership where little responsibility, decision making or power is delegated
What is democractic style from Lewin’s leadership?
Leadership focused around delegation and consultation
What is laissez faire style from Lewin’s leadership?
Great deal of trust and freedom leaving a lot of delegated decision making and responsibility
What is Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid?
2 axis: concern for task and concern for people, puts you into either middle of the road, country club manager, impoverished, authoritarian or team management
What is important about Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid?
That it is possible to identify his or her leadership style and develop to improve performance
What is the authoritarian leadership style from Blake and Mouton?
High concern for task, low concern for people
What is the impoverished leadership style from Blake and Mouton?
Low concern for task, low concern for people
What is the country club manager leadership style from Blake and Mouton?
Low concern for task, high concern for people
What is the team manager leadership style from Blake and Mouton?
High concern for task, high concern for people
What is the middle of the road manager from Blake and Mouton?
average concern for task, average concern for people
What is Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s contingency theory (1973)?
A 7 point scale from use of authority to area of freedom which shows how autocratic or democratic a leader is
How do managers behave if they are on the first three points of the scale from Tannenbaum an Schmidt?
- Manage makes all the decisions
- Manager sells decisions
- Manager presents decision and invites questions
How do managers behave if they are on points 4 or 5 of the scale from Tannenbaum and Schmidt?
- Manager suggests provisional decision and invites discussion
- Manager presents situation, gets feedback and then decides
How do managers behave if they are on the last two points of the scale from Tannenbaum and Schmidt?
- Manager explains, definites parameters and asks team to decide
- Manager allows team to develop options and decide on the actions based within the manager’s limits
What do Carlyle and Galton suggest in Trait Theory?
Characteristics of a good leader are due to nature, they are:
- motivational
- integrity
- self confidence
- creative
- intelligent
What is Adair’s action centred leadership style?
That there are three elements to all leadership situations and the leader has to balance all three elements: task needs, group needs and individual needs
What are individual needs from ACL by Adair?
- Coaching
- Counselling
- Developing
- Motivating
What are task needs from ACL by Adair?
- Setting objectives
- Planning tasks
- Delegaying and allocating responsibility
- Setting performance
What are group needs from ACL by Adair?
- Communication
- Teambuilding
- Motivation
- Discipline
Where is there potential for conflict in ACL?
- Team may disagreee on way task should be done
- Team may disagree with manager
- May be hard to build team bond
- Pushing too hard for task needs may demotivate staff
What is McGregor’s theory X and theory Y?
Shows how managers view employees
How does a theory X manager view employees?
- Lazy, disliking work and responsibility
- Lacking the will and ability to work unsupervised
- Lacking initiative
- Largely motivated by money
How is a theory X manager likely to manage?
In an autocratic manner with little employee input, communication will be limited, piecework probably used as believes employees are motivated by money
How does a theory Y manager view employees?
- enjoying their work if the right conditions are created
- willing to accept responsibility and challenges
- creative and willing to contribute
- able to exercise self discipline
- not just motivated by money
How does a theory Y manager manage?
Sees employees as assets, democratic leadership, motivating factors including variety, challenge and self development