Lab 6 - Musculoskeletal System I Flashcards
Define a process and give an example
A bony projection
Ex: Mastoid process of temporal bone
Define a tubercle and give an example
A small rounded projection
Greater tubercle of humerus
Define tuberosity and give an example
Usually a rough, elevated area of a bone
Ex: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Define trochanter and give an example
A large, rounded projection
Ex: greater trochanter of femur
Define condyle and give an example
A rounded articular projection
Ex: mandibular condyle of mandible
Define crest and give an example
A ridge of bone
Ex: iliac crest of ilium
List the terms that can be used to describe projections of bone
Process Tubercle Tuberosity Trochanter Condyle Crest
What are projections of bone typically used for?
As attachment sites for muscles or ligaments
List the terms that can be used to describe holes or depressions in bone
Define foramen and give an example
Round or oval opening through a bone (usually used for blood vessels or nerves)
Ex: olfactory foramina of ethmoid bone
Define fissure and give an example
A narrow, slit-like opening
Ex: superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone
Define notch and give an example
An indentation or large groove in a bone
Ex: greater sciatic notch of coxal bone
Define fossa and give an example
A shallow depression
Ex: mandibular fossa of temporal bone
Name the joints of the skull
Cranial sutures (coronal, lambdoid, squamous, and sagittal) and temporomandibular joint
Name the 8 cranial bones
Frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid
Describe the two main features of the occipital bone
1) The foramen magnum: a hole to let the brainstem in
2) The occipital condyles: round kidney bean shapes around foramen magnum
Describe the 4 main features of the temporal bones
1) External acoustic meatus: external auditory canal, a hole
2) Mastoid process: look like lines below the EAM
3) Styloid process: looks like a pointy stylus
4) Mandibular fossa: shallow depression
Describe the 5 main features of the sphenoid bone
1) Greater wings (smaller part of sphenoid)
2) Lesser wings (bigger, more inferior part of sphenoid)
3) Sella turcica: brain sits there
4) Superior orbital fissure: spike/triangle shaped holes in the eye socket
5) Optic canal: lets the optic nerve in through the medial wall of eye socket
Describe the 3 main features of the ethmoid bone
1) Cribriform plates: the portion of the ethmoid located at the base of the skull
2) Olfactory foramina: has tiny holes
3) Crista galli: the meninges anchor to it
Describe the location of the ethmoid bone
Between the eyes; makes up the medial wall of the eye socket
What are the origin and insertion for the sternocleidomastoid
Origin: sternum and clavicle
Insertion: mastoid process
Define the prime mover/ agonist
The main muscle(s) doing the movement
Describe the synergist
Muscles that help the prime mover
Describe the antagonist
Does the opposite movement of the prime mover
Describe the fixator
The muscle that stabilizes and holds everything else still
Describe the difference between flexion and extension
Flexion: “bending”; decreases the angle between two bones
Extension: “straightening”; increases the angle between two bones
What muscle is responsible for the flexion of the head and neck?
What muscle is responsible for the extension of the head and neck?
What muscle is responsible for wrinkling the forehead and lifting the eyebrows?
What muscle is the agonist to frontalis?
What muscle is responsible for squinting and winking?
Orbicularis oculi
What muscle is responsible for smiling/ pulling the corners of the mouth up?
What muscle is a synergist to the zygomaticus and responsible for pulling the mouth laterally?
What muscle is responsible for puckering the lips?
Orbiularis oris
What muscle is responsible for the elevation of the mandible (chewing)?
Temporalis and masseter
What muscle is responsible for compressing cheeks, sucking, and assists in chewing by directing food between molars?
What muscle protrudes the lower lip as in pouting and wrinkles the chin?
What muscle elevates the upper lip?
Levator labii superioris
What muscle pulls the lower lip down as in pouting?
Depressor labii inferioris
What muscle protrudes the tongue and moves it side to side?
What is the internal muscle that’s the prime mover for inhalation?
What is the muscle that elevates the ribs and assists in inhalation by increasing the size of the thoracic cavity?
External intercostals
What is the muscle that depresses and retracts ribs for forced expiration and decreases the size of the thoracic cavity?
Internal intercostals
What is the muscle that flexes the waist as in sit-ups and compresses the abdominal viscera (as in urination, defecation, childbirth, and vomiting)?
Rectus abdominis
What is the most superficial muscle located on the lateral abdomen, produces twisting at the waist, and compresses abdominal viscera?
External oblique
What is the middle muscle layer on the lateral abdomen, produces twisting at the waist, and compresses abdominal viscera?
Internal oblique
What is the deepest muscle layer on the lateral abdomen that compresses the abdominal viscera?
Transverse abdominis
What two muscles of the trunk are responsible for side-to-side abdominal movements?
External oblique and internal oblique
Describe the location of the sphenoid bone
It makes up the backs of the eye sockets