L18: Eicosanoids Flashcards
What are the 3 main categories of eicosanoids
What are eicosanoids
Lipid derivatives that are locally synthesised and acting in the body
What are the major function of eicosanoids
Are eicosanoids stored in the body
No they are made as required
What is eicosanoids made from
Arachidonic acid
How is prostanoids synthesised from arachidonic acid
1) arachidonic acid is liberated from the membrane by phospholipase A2 enzyme
2) cox-1 or cox-2 act on the arachidonic acid to generate free intermediates of cyclo endoperoxides
3) if cox-2 acts then prostacyclin synthase acts on cyclic endoperoxides it gives prostacyclin
4) if cox-1 acts then thromboxane synthase acts on cyclic endoperoxides it gives TXA2
What are prostanoids
Groups of eicosanoids of:
When does cox-2 act on free arachadonic acid
During inflammation
Which cell makes prostacyclin
What makes. TXA2
How is leukotrienes synthesised by free arachidonic acid
1) arachidonic acid is liberated from membranes by phospholipase A2
2) lipoxygenase enzyme acts on the free arachidonic acid to give HPETE (intermediate compound)
3) HPETE gives leukotrienes of LTB4 and/or LTD4
Which drugs inhibit cox-1 and cox-2 enzyme
Which drugs inhibits cox-2 only
Selective NSAIDS
Which drugs reduced the expression of cox-2
What is the other role of glucocorticoid on the production of prostanoids and leukotrienes
Glucocorticoid increase the expression of annexin-1 which inhibit phospolipase A2
There is less arachidonic acid liberated therefore less prostanoids and leukotrienes made
What is the role of prostaglandins
Inflammatory response
Vasodilation to allow movement of prostaglandins
Raise temperature
Increase peripheral sensory nerves for pain
Muscle contraction
Gastric mucous secretion
Inhibition of platelets aggregation
Name a prostaglandin
Prostacyclin (PGI2)