Knee special tests Flashcards
Anterior Drawer, Lachman
Tests ACL
Posterior Drawer, Sag test (Godfrey’s)
Valgus Stress Test
Test at O and 250-entire medial joint capsule and other restraining striations25 - isolate MCL
Varus Stress Test
Test at 0 and 250- LCL, lateral jont capsule, cruciate ligaments, 25 - isolate LCL
JointPlay of proximal tibiofibular syndesomsis
knee flexed, pt supine, grab and move fibula back and forth, stabilize tibia with other handanterior shift - damage to posterior ligamentposterior shift- damgage to anterior ligament
Slocum Drawer Test
-tests for rotational knee instability-internal rotation: ACL, anterolateral capsule, LCL, IT band, popliteus endon, posteroalteral complex, lateral meniscus-external rotation: MCL, anteromedial capsule, ACL, posteromedial capsule, pes anserine, medial meniscus
Crossover Test
Pt stands on involved leg.Pt cross uninvolved leg in front (ALRI) then to the back (AMRI)
Pivot Shift Test (Jerk TEst)
Tests for anterolateral knee instability Pt is supine, hip is in 30 degrees of flexion, tibia internally rotated, grab at foot and apply valgus force to knee,Knee is passivley flexed, look or tibia’s position to reduce Jerk test, leg begins in flexion and is passively extended, look for anterior subluxation-ACL, anterolaeral capsule, LCL, biceps femoris, lateral meniscus, popliteus, posterolateral capsule
Slocum Anterolateral Rotary Instability (ALRI) test
Pt is side lying on flexed uninvolved hip and kneeExaminer places a valgus force to involved kneelook for clunk or instability as lateral tibial plateau sub luxes-ACL, LCL, anaterolateral capsule, arcuate ligament complex, biceps femoris tendon, IT band
Dial Test
External rotation test-posterolateral knee instabilitypt is supine, knees flexed and examiner externally rotates tibias-difference at 30 - isolated posterolateral corner-difference at 90 - isolated PCL-diffrence at both - PCL, posterolateral knee structures, posterolateral corner
External Rotation Recurvatum Test
Examiner lefts both legs by ends of feet and observe bilateral alignment of knees-look for difference in hyperextension, external femoral rotation, varus alignment between 2 knees
Posterolateral/ Posteromedial Drawer Test
Tibia externally rotated: posterolateral corner and PCLtibia internally rotated: PCL tear, oblique ligament, MCL, posteromedial capsule, semimembranosus
Reverse Pivot Shift
Examiner externally rotates tibia and flexes kneeKnee is passively extended till clunk is felt as tibia reduces on femur-posterolateral rotatory instability or trauma to posterolateral corner
McMurray’s Appley’s Compression and Distraction
Thessasly Test
Meniscus tearsPt stands flatfooted on involved legExaminer balances pt as pt rotates internally and externallyin first rotation knee is flexed at 5 degreesin 2nd rotation knee is flexed 20 degrees- complains of joint line discomfort, catching or locking
Noble’s Test or Renne’s Test
examiner passivley flexes and extends kneewhile holding IT band against lateral femoral condyletests for IT band friction syndrome
Ober’s Test
tests for IT band tightness
Clark’s Sign or Grind Test
move patella as far laterally as allowed-laxity of medial retinaculum, patellar subluxation
Plica Test
pt supine in 90/90 examiner internally rotates tibia and moves patella medialthen extends the leg, feeling anteromedial capsule and for plica moving