Key terms(1.4.1) Flashcards
Collective bargaining definition
negotiation of wages/conditions of employment between employee representatives/trade uniions and the employer
Dismissal definition
referred to informally as firing or sacking
it is the termination of employment by an employer against the will of the employee
Employer/employee relations definition
the way in which a company’s management and its employees behave towards each other
Individual approach (employee/r relations) definition
when employers develop relationships with employees at an individual level
Multiskilling definition
the process of increasing the skills of employees
Part time employees definition
workers that generally work a few hours or a few days a week
fewer hours than a full time employee
Redundancy definition
when a business needs to reduce the size of its workforce or even close
can be voluntary
Staff as a cost definition
a cost to businesses on terms of recruitment, training, remuneration welfare and even severance
Staff as an asset definition
employers recognise the input of employees as an important business resource
they can contribute to the value of outputs wether this is through providing added value to a product by supporting the maufacturing process or through effective customer service
(in accounting terms staff are expense not asset)
Temporary work definition
the job position is generally for a limited period of time
Trade unions definition
a workforce representative that acts to protect and improve the economic and working conditions for their members