Key terms(1.4.3) Flashcards
Centralised structure definition
an organisational structure where business decisions are made at the top of the hierarchy by senior management and/or at the headquarters of a business
Chain of command definition
the way authority and power is organised in an organisation
Decentralised structure definition
when a business allows branches to take more control/make their own decisions
Flat organisational structure
a structure with few layers and a wider span of control for each manager
Hierarchy definition
the order or levels of responsibility in an organisation from the lowest to the highest
Matrix organisational structure definition
organises employees from different disciplines or divisions into projects/teams
Organisational structure definition
a diagram that shows who is answerable to whom in an organisation
can show vertical and horizontal communication links
Span of control definition
the number of employees/subordinates that a manager is responsible for
Tall organisational structure definition
one with many layers and a narrow span of control for each manager