KA2- Citric Acid Cycle Flashcards
What happens to pyruvate during aerobic conditions?
Pyruvate enters the matrix of the mitochondrion and CO2 is removed to form an acetylene group
What does this acetyl group combine with?
Coenzyme A
What does acetylene + coenzyme A form?
Acetyl coenzyme A
How does the acetyl group form acetyl coenzyme A enter the CAC?
By combining with oxaloacetate
What does the acetyl group and oxaloacetate form?
How many carbons does citrate have?
How many carbons does oxaloacetate have?
Coenzyme A returns and combines with what?
Another acetyl group from the next pyruvate
What is citrate gradually converted back into during a series of enzyme controlled steps and what does it release as a waste product?
Oxaloacetate, releasing 2CO2