Jan 13 Weight Loss, Diet, Exercise, Med, surgery and fads Flashcards
Magnitude of the Energy Imbalance in
20-40 yr old men and women
Average weight gain in the US is _____
Magnitude of the Energy Imbalance in
20-40 yr old men and women
Average weight gain in the US is 1.8-2 lb/yr
Satiety Signals to the Brain
Hormones involved: _____, _____, _____, (All 3 are from your _____), Leptin, and Ghrelin.
PP = _____ (_____ appetite)
_____ (From _____tissues): Signals _____, _____ appetite, _____ metabolism, also known as the _____ hormone
_____ (From the _____ ): The only hormone that signals _____ ; Also known as the hunger hormone.
Brain Processing Time: It takes ~_____ minutes for the brain to register fullness.
Insulin _____/_____ appetite while _____ reduces appetite
Satiety Signals to the Brain
Hormones involved: PYY (Peptide YY (satiety)), GLP-1, CKK (All 3 are from your Intestine), Leptin, and Ghrelin.
PP = Pancreatic Peptide (reduces appetite)
Leptin (From Aptidose tissues): Signals fullness, decreases appetite, increases metabolism, also known as the satiety hormone
Ghrelin (From the Stomach): The only hormone that signals hunger; Also known as the hunger hormone.
Brain Processing Time: It takes ~20 minutes for the brain to register fullness.
Insulin inhibits/stimulates appetite while Glucagon reduces appetite
Caused by excess _____ leading to _____ hunger and obesity.
No effective medications for _____ appetite.
Caused by excess ghrelin leading to excessive hunger and obesity.
No effective medications for regulating appetite.
Satiety Hormone - Leptin
- Leptin itself was discovered in ____
- Key role in _____ appetite (_____) and _____ (_____).
Satiety Hormone - Leptin
- Leptin itself was discovered in 1994
- Key role in regulating appetite (decrease) and metabolism (increase).
Prevalence of Leptin Deficiency in Humans
- Only a few dozen cases in the world
- _____ weight at birth
- Constantly hungry with chronic excessive
eating (_____) - Fighting over food, hoarding food, and
eating in secret.
Prevalence of Leptin Deficiency in Humans
- Only a few dozen cases in the world
- Normal weight at birth
- Constantly hungry with chronic excessive
eating (hyperphagia) - Fighting over food, hoarding food, and
eating in secret.
Leptin Resistance: Common in obesity; _____ signals are not _____ despite high leptin levels due to the _____ blocking the _____ from entering. This leads to _____ food intake to _____ leptin
Leptin Resistance: Common in obesity; signals of fullness are not received despite high leptin levels due to the brain-blood barrier blocking the Leptin from entering. This leads to increased food intake to produce more leptin
Gut Satiety Hormones
- Released in the _____ in response to food, goes to the _____ and _____ the urge to eat
- High _____ diets stimulate greater _____ hormone production
- Individuals with obesity secrete _____ appetite
reducing gut hormones than _____ people - This means that they feel _____ _____ when they eat
Gut Satiety Hormones
- Released in the intestine in response to food, goes to the brain and decreases the urge to eat
- High fibre diets stimulate greater gut hormone production
- Individuals with obesity secrete less appetite
reducing gut hormones than lean people - This means that they feel less full when they eat
Volumetrics – Energy Density
You want food high in _____.
Volumetrics – Energy Density
You want food high in fibre
Fibre Pills
Thought to decrease _____ _____ of food and increase _____
Meta-Analysis Results
- no significant effects on _____
- significant reductions in total and _____
- Adverse events reported included _____ and _____ _____.
Fibre Pills
Thought to decrease Glycemic Index of food and increase satiety
Meta Analysis Results
- no significant effects on body weight
- significant reductions for total and LDL cholesterol
- Adverse events reported included diarrhea and abdominal bloating
“The consumption of each type of
food with the exception of _____ _____ was significantly greater in the food ads condition than with non-food ads in the obese,
overweight and healthy-weight
“The consumption of each type of food with the exception of low-fat savoury was significantly greater in the food ads condition than with non-food ads in the obese, overweight and healthy-weight children.”
High sugar, high fat, and high salt is related to your ______ _____
Regardless of hunger, people typically _____ when offered the _____ and variety of an “all you can eat” buffet.
High sugar, high fat, and high salt are related to your reward pathway
Regardless of hunger, people typically overeat when offered the abundance and variety of an “all you can eat” buffet.
Social Factors that Influence Food Intake – Summary
- _____
- _____
- Advertisement
- Variety
- _____ Size
- _____
Social Factors that Influence Food Intake – Summary
- Portion Size
- Taste
- Advertisement
- Variety
- Plate Size
- Availability
Low Fat versus Low Carbohydrate Diet
- Short duration (less than _____ months) of _____ _____, Low CHO diets (e.g.. Atkins Diet) result in more total weight loss than _____ _____
- However, with low CHO diets a substantial portion of the total weight loss is _____ (1 g CHO: _____ g _____)
- Dieting _____ months or longer, there is no difference between the two diets in the total weight loss.
- Also, low-carb diets tend to be high in _____, and _____ _____ tend to be higher
Low Fat versus Low Carbohydrate Diet
- Short duration (less than 6 months) of calorie-restricted dieting, Low CHO diets (e.g.. Atkins Diet) result in total weight loss than Low Fat diets.
- However, with low CHO diets a substantial portion of the total weight loss is water loss (1 g CHO: 3 g Water)
- Dieting 12 months or longer, there is no difference between the two diets in the total weight loss.
- Also, low carb diets tend to be high in saturated fat, and blood lipids tend to be higher
Activities that equate 3500 kcal (1 lb of fat)
~_____ kcal per mile walked or jogged
_____ portions lead to _____ food intake
_____ , _____ , _____ size, and advertisements influence _____ by stimulating the activation of the _____ pathway in the _____ center
Activities that equate 3500 kcal (1 lb of fat)
~100 kcal per mile walked or jogged
Larger portions lead to higher food intake
Variety, availability, plate size, and advertisements influence overeating by stimulating the activation of the hunger pathway in the reward center
Role of Physical Activity in Obesity Reduction
Evidence Statements:
1) “ _____ _____in overweight and obese
adults results in modest (_____ kg) _____ independent of the effect of caloric restriction
through diet”
2) “_____ activity in overweight and obese adults modestly (_____ cm) reduces _____ _____”.
Role of Physical Activity in Obesity Reduction
Evidence Statements:
1) “ Aerobic exercise in overweight and obese
adults results in modest (<2 kg) weight loss independent of the effect of caloric restriction
through diet”
2) “Physical activity in overweight and obese adults modestly (< 2 cm) reduces abdominal fat”.