Introduction to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems Flashcards
What is the entrance to the thoracic cavity called?
the thoracic inlet
What is the function of the pleural fluid?
Prevents friction between organs
What is the visceral pleura?
The first layer, it lines the lungs
What is the parietal pleura?
secondary layer, it lines the thorax
Where is the pleural cavity?
between the visceral and parietal pleura, it is potential space that does not come in contact with the lungs
What is connecting pleura?
a double layer of serosa that connects visceral and parietal pleura also known as pulmonary ligaments
What is the mediastinum?
a connective tissue partition that separates the two pleural cavities
What makes up the cranial mediastinum?
oesophagus, trachea, great vessels thoracic duct, some
lymph nodes & nerves, the thymus
What makes up the medial mediastinum?
Oesophagus, the termination of the trachea, pulmonary
vessels, aortic arch, thoracic duct, left or right azygous vein,
some lymph nodes, nerves, heart and pericardium
What makes up the caudal mediastinum?
Oesophagus, aorta, vagus trunks, some lymph nodes and
the left phrenic nerve
What is pulmonic circulation?
Circulation through the right hand side of the heart to the lungs
What is systemic circulation?
Through the left hand side of the heart, to the heart itself and then to the rest of the body
What does the external illiac artery supply?
It is the principal artery of the hindlimb and supplies blood to the lower extremity
What does the internal illiac artery supply?
supplies the pelvis, pelvic organs and the reproductive organs
What does the cranial vena cava drain?
drains the head, neck, thoracic limbs and and parts of the thorax
What does the caudal vena cava drain?
anything caudal to the diaphragm
What is the lymphatic vascular system responsible for?
the immunological defence of the body
What is one adaptation of lymph vessels?
they have overlapping endothelial cells which create valve like openings , this means that lymph cannot leave the vessels (it needs to be taken back to the veins)