Cardiovascular/Respiratory development Flashcards
What germ layer does the heart form from and at what time?
The heart forms from mesoderm at around 18-19 days
What is the name of the ‘horseshoe’ shaped area that forms from the mesoderm?
Heart development
Cardiogenic plate
What kind of cells form the cardiogenic plate?
Formed from cardiac myoblasts and blood islands
What is the name of the structure that forms either side of the cardiogenic plate
endocardial tube
lined by endothelial cells
What do the endocardial tubes fuse with caudally?
Vitelline vessels
extra-embryonic vessels in the yolk sac
Where do the endocardial tubes fuse and what is this area called?
They fuse midway along their length, this forms the tubular heart or cardiac tube
What are the 5 distinct regions that the tubular heart becomes after growth and expansion
- Truncus arteriosus (aorta and pulmonary trunk)
- Bulbus cordis (right ventricle)
- Ventricle (left ventricle)
- Atrium (cranial portion of both left and right atria/ auricles)
- Sinus venosus (remains bifurcated-paired area where veins
-Larger right sinus venosus and smaller left sinus venosus
What is morphogenesis?
Cardiac looping (occurs around weeks 4-5)
What occurs during cardiac looping?
The right ventricle (bulbus cordis) is placed next to the left ventricle
What does the larger right sinus venousus become?
after cardiac looping
It becomes the right atrium
What is the name of the septum that divides the atria and ventricles
The cardiac cushions
What is the name of the septum that divides the atria
septum primum and secondum
What is the name of the septum that divides the ventricles?
Interventricular septum
What is the name of the septum that divides the ‘outflow’ tracts?
Aortico-pulmonary septum
What is formed after the two cardiac cushions extend and fuse?
cardiac cushions= cardiac mesenchymal tissue
occurs at the atrioventricular junction
They form the septum intermedium
separates the canal into left and right atrio-ventricular openings
Where does the primary septum grow from?
Grows from the dorsal wall