Intro to the Respiratory System Flashcards
What is the primary function of the respiratory system?
Gas exchange
Metabolize compounds
Filter toxins
Store blood
Where is O2 utilization and CO2 production?
In the mitochondria of the tissue
How do you measure the amount of oxygen in the respiratory system?
VO2= (Vi x FiO2)- (Ve x FeO2)
Molecules in minus the molecules out
How does O2 and CO2 move through air and blood?
How do you measure how much gas moves across the membrane?
Vgas= A/T x D(Pa-Pblood)
Why are birds so efficient at gas exchange?
They do not mix alveolar air which has a lower PO2 with the freshly inspired air
What is the respiratory zone?
Where gas exchange happens in the RS
What is the conduction zone?
Where there is no gas exchange
What kind of air does the alveoli recieve?
Warm, humid, and filtered
What filters the air that goes to the alveoli?
Mucociliary region in the non-conducting zone
How does the mucociliary region filter the air breathed in?
It has many cilia covered in mucus from the Goblet cells. This traps particles and then the cilia moves it up to the esophagus to be swallowed
Describe the branches of the RS?
Many branches bade with the last 7 generation being apart of the respiratory zone
What allow the lung to be so compliant?
Supported by elastin and collagen
What is different about elephant lungs?
Their lungs are adhered to the body cavity and do not slide as they breathe
What is the sequence of blood flow through the lungs?
Pulmonary artery -> Capillaries -> Pulmonary vein
Why is the blood gas barrier so thin in the alveolar?
This allow for complete O2 exchange
Describe the capillaries in the alveoli?
Short and form almost a sheet around the alveolar sacs
What do type II alveolar cells do?
Secrete surfactant rich in dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline
What do alveolar macrophages do?
Travel around the parenchyma and clean up any debris
What do type I alveolar cells do?
Serve as the site of gas exchange and increase the surface area
What are the blood and air volumes in the lungs?
The blood volume is very low (only 70mL) while the air volume is much higher (about 7 L)