Intelligence: Modules 60 & 61 Flashcards
-Mental ability consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
Intelligence Test
-A method for assessing an individual’s mental altitudes and comparing them with those of others, using numerical scores
Charles Spearman
- General intelligence/ g factor
- Helped develop factor analysis
- Those who score high in one area, score higher than average in other areas
- Common skill set= g factor
- Underlies all intelligent behavior
- Common skill set= g factor
- General mental capacity expressed by a single intelligence score (controversial)
General Intelligence (G)
-A general intelligence factor that’s according to Spearman and others, underlies specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on an intelligence test
Factor Analysis
- A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items (factors) on a test
- Used to identify different dimensions of performance that underly a person’s total score
- Opponent to Spearman
- 56 different tests to people, identified 7 clusters of primary mental abilities
- Word fluency, Comprehension, spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability, inductive reasoning, memory
- Did not rank people on a single scale
- Saw that people who excelled in one area excelled in others (evidence of g factor)
- General intelligence evolved as a form of intelligence that helps people solve novel problems
- General intelligence scores correlate with individual’s skills in evolutionarily familiar situations ( marrying, parenting, forming close friendships)
Gardner’s Eight Intelligences
- Intelligence= multiple abilities that come in different packages
- Studied savant syndrome
- Evidence of multiple intelligence abilities
Savant Syndrome
- A condition in which a person otherwise is limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill (computation, drawing)
- Score low on intelligence tests
- Ex: Kim Peek
Kim Peek
- Savant with memorization ability
- 9,000 books (Bible & Shakespeare)
- 8-10 seconds–> memorize page
- Could not button his own shirts
-In psychology, passion and perseverance in pursuit of long-term goals
- Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
- Worked w/ College Board to predict collegiate success
- Intelligence is more than just traditional academic smarts, but not as fractured as Gardner proposes
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
- Analytical Intelligence
- Assessed by traditional intelligence tests
- Academic problem solving
- Predicts school grades and vocational success *convergent thinking
- Creative Intelligence
- Reacting adaptively to novel situations and generating novel ideas
- Inventions (divergent thinking)
- Practical Intelligence
- Everyday tasks
- Sternberg and Wagner= have a test for this
- Some divergent thinking
Gardner and Sternberg Agreements
- Multiple abilities–> life success
- Differing varieties of giftedness add spice to life and challenges for education
Social Intelligence
- Know-how involved in successfully comprehending social situations
- 1st proposed by Thorndike
- Aspect of social intelligence= emotional intelligence
- Mayer, Salovey, Caruso
Emotional Intelligence
- Perceiving emotions
- In faces, music, stories
- Understanding emotions
- Predict them, how they change and blend
- Managing emotions
- Express them in varied situations
- Using emotions to enable adaptive/ creative thinking
- Unconscious processing
- Emotionally in tune with others
- Succeed in marriage, parenting, career
- Effected by brain damage
Brain Size and Complexity
- +.33 correlation between brain size and intelligence
- Frontal and parietal lobes= associated with intelligence
- Ample gray and white matter= efficient communication between brain centers
- Einstein’s brain= 15% larger in lower parietal lobe region
Brain Function
- People contemplate a variety of questions found on intelligence tests–> frontal lobe activity
- Left brain activity for verbal questions
- Smart people use less energy in problem solving
- Verbal intelligence scores= predictable from speed at which info is drawn from memory
- Quick-witted: speed of perception and neural processing
- Correlation between intelligence score and speed of taking in perceptual info
- +.3 to +.5
- Abstract concept, not a thing
- Socially constructed
- Means different things to different people
- Intelligence when it is approached as tangible, it’s not
- Two types of intelligence
- Crystalized
- Fluid
- General intelligence is made up of cognitive ability and acquired knowledge
Gardner’s Eight Intelligence’s list
- Intrapersonal: understanding yourself & wants
- Interpersonal: sensing people’s feelings and motivations
- Linguistic: right words to express what we mean
- Logical-Mathematical: quantifying things, hypotheses and proving them
- Naturalist: Understanding living things/ nature
- Spacial: Visualizing world in 3D
- Bodily-Kinesthetic: Coordinating body w/ mind
- Musical: discerning sounds, pitches, tone, rhythms, timbre
* 9. Existential
Origins of Intelligence Testing
- Galton
- Binet
- Terman
- Created eugenics
- Founded Psychometrics-Measure of human abilities (intelligent, strength)
- Thought science had obligation to create best society possible
- Get rid of dumb people
- Intel= inherited, selective mating
- Thought science had obligation to create best society possible
- Encouraged people of high quality to mate
- Discouraged people of low quality to mate
- Forced sterilization
- 1904: Hired by French school system
- Created a way to identify “special needs” for extra attention, kids who were on track, and who are on a better track
- Binet-Simon scales