inflammation mediators Flashcards
co-receptor for TLR4; recognizes LPS on gram - bacteria
vasodilation, vascular permeability, pain and fever
produced from AA by 5-lipoxygenase; attracts and activates neutrophils
vasoconstriction, bronchospasm, vascular permeability
Activation of mast cells
tissue trauma, C3a+C5a, cross-linking of cell surface IgE by Ag
Delayed mast cell response
Hageman factor (Factor XII)
pro-inflammatory protein made in liver; activates 1) complement 2) coagulation and fibrinolytic systems 3) kinin system
Mediation of pain in inflammation
bradykinin and PGE2
Mediation of fever in inflammation
IL-1 and TNF, PGE2 raises temperature set point
speed bump of endothelial cell to mediate neutrophil extravasion; produced by Weibel Palade bodies
TNF and IL-1
promote E selectin and ICAM +VCAM expression; promote fever through production of PGE2
Neutrophil attractants
bacterial products, IL-8, C5a, LTB4
Nitroblue tetrazolium test
see if oxygen-mediated killing is intact; blue if NADPH is there; - in NADPH deficiency of CGD
IL-10 and TGF-b
anti-inflammatory cytokines
Macrophages secrete what to promote continued acute inflammation
IL-8 to recruit neutrophils
co-receptor on CD4 that is bound by B7 of APC to provide 2nd activation signal; CD4 cells then able to secret cytokines that help inflammation
IFN gamma
secreted by TH1; activates macrophages, promote B cell switch to IgG, promotes TH1 and inhibits Th2 phenotype
secreted by Th2; facilitates B class switch to IgE; IL-13 is similar
secreted by Th2; eosinophil chemotaxis and activation, class switch to IgA
activates apoptosis
secreted by macrophages; induces CD4 differentiation into TH1
IFN-gamma in granulomas
converts macrophages to epithelioid histiocytes and giant cells
ADA deficiency
build-up of toxic adenosine; toxic to lymphocytes; cause of SCID
C1 inhibitor deficiency
hereditary angioedema
on helper T cells, binds CD40 on B cells; provides second signal for B-cell activation; mutated = hyper IgM syndrome
C5-C9 deficiency
increased risk of Neisseria infection