Infectious Disease Flashcards
What is the most common extrasalivary complication of mumps?
Aseptic meningitis
Dew drops on a rose petal is the characteristic of skin lesion of what pathogen?
VZV Varicella Zooster Virus
Gumma is found in which stage of syphilis?
Which fungus is an important cause of CNS infections in immunocompromised patients and has a thick , gelatinous capsule?
Cryptococcus neoformans
What is the causative agent for Durck granulomas?
Plasmodium falciparum
Responsible for not developing chicken pos with prior chicken pox vaccine?
Varicella IgG antibodies
Usual pattern of inflammation observed in infections with extracellular Gram-positive cocci, and Gram negative rods ( pyogenic organism).
Usual pattern of inflammation observed in chronic and acute viral infections , and those involving intracellular bacteria.
Usual pattern of inflammation observed in tuberculosis , fungal infections, and schistosome eggs, response to infectious agents that are not easily eliminated?
Usual response to viral infections that involves cytopathic changes in cells (inclusion bodies and multinucleated giant cells ) or proliferation of host cells?
Cytophathic / Cytoproliferative
Usual response to Entamoeba histolytica , herpeseviruses in brain clostridial HBV in infections.
Tissue necrosis
Usually a sequela of chronic inflammation, seen in chronic HBV infection (cirrhosis) and schistosoma (pipestem fibrosis)
Chronic inflammation and scarring
Polymyelitis is caused by?
Cancer associated with with Epstein Barr Virus?
- Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
- Hodgkin lymphoma
- Burkitt Lymphoma
Most common outcome of EBV in healthy , immunocompetent adults.
Resolution (within 4-6 weeks of infection)
Most common extrasalivary complication of mumps?
Aseptic meningitis
Which one will have different clinical presentations based on age and immune status? EBV or CMV?
Mononucleosis-like illness with negative heterophile antibodies (Monospot test). Diagnosis?
Site of lesion of primary tuberculosis in the lungs?
- Lower part of the upper lobe
- Upper part of lower lobe
- Usually close to the pleura
Rickettsia infects what cell?
Endothelial cells
30/M , Kennel master from US presents with fever, myalgias, abd pain then developed widespread macular then petechial rash. Diagnosis?
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia rickettsia)
30/M , Kennel master from US presents with fever, myalgias, abd pain then developed widespread macular then petechial rash.
Patient develops dyspnea with white-out lungs on radiography.
What’s the present diagnosis?
ARDS ( Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome )
6-month old Female with intake of honey develops flaccid paralysis. What’s the diagnosis ?
Diabetic patient with black lesion in nose. Microscopic exam shows non-septate hyphae branching at right angles, what’s the diagnosis?
30/M, with history of travel from Ethopia presents with a heaped up ulcer skin that spontaneously resolved 10days after . Diagnosis ?
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Thank 38/M with rectal prolapse. Stool exam shows lemon-shaped edds with bilateral polar plugs. Diagnosis?
Worm with humans as dead end hosts?
Trichinella spiralis
Characteristics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection?
- A deadly pathogen for people with neutropenia.
- Causes corneal keratitis in contact lens wearers.
- Poor prognosis for cystic fibrosis patients.
Most common causative organism of a viral encephalitic syndrome?
Japanese encephalitis virus
Cough, fever, tachypnea with X-ray showing infiltrates over both lungs bases. Biopsy showed intracellular inclusions , smalls cells with absent cytoplasmic inclusions.
Type of obligate intracellular bacteria?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Animal handler suffering from an animal bite may develop fatal neurologic disease by which virus that resembles HSV-1?
Herpesvirus simiae
Virus and resulting disease.
Hep B : _________
Enterically transmitted Hepatitis
Virus and resulting disease.
Norovirus - ____________
Virus and resulting disease.
EBV - ______________
Infectious mononucleosis
Patients with HIV has severe non-productive cough with wheezing, fever, chills, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue. X-ray showed small pneumatoceles.
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Disease caused by paramyxoviruses?
Mumps , Measles, Croup
In what viral infection with brain involvement would you find Negri bodies?
The following infectious agents can replicate and survive both inside and outside host cells.
Fungi, Bacteria, Protozoa
Endemic mycoses which is a major type of fungal infection is caused by ?
Dimorphic fungi
DNA virus that has the highest oncogenic risk for cervical cancer.
HPV 16
Classification of atypical mycobacteria that transitions from yellow to orange with light exposure.
The following are all present in primary TB? (3)
- Cavity formation
- Calcifications
- Caseating granulomas
Whooping cough is characterized by the following? (3)
- Can be prevented by vaccination
- Presence of lymphocytosis
- Best diagnosed by PCR
Bacteria associated with peptic ulcer disease?
Helicobacter pylori
Percentage of individuals with streptococcal infection that will go to RF and GN?
RF: 0.4-2.8%
GN: 0.2-20%
Which cells found in COVID-19 patients look promising for long term immunity?
Most common bacterial cause of Tonsillopharyngitis?
Group A Beta-hemolytic Streptococci ( GABHS)
Patient consulting with gradual onset of coughs and sore throat associated with headache , chills, malaise , fever, wheezes and rales on auscultation; peri bronchial pneumonia with thickened bronchial markings, streaks of interstitial infiltration , and areas of sub-segmental atelectasis on chest x-ray.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Laboratory test to diagnose mycoplasma pneumonia?
Culture of pulmonary specimen
Most significant cutaneous pathology associated with mycoplasma pneumonia?
Erythema multiforme Major
Histopathologic findings at the base of the vesicle in varicella lesions.
Intraepithelial vesicles with intranuclear inclusions
Cause of presence of scar in varicella?
Lesions were scratched while sleeping because of pruritus
Length of the course of illness in varicella?
2 weeks after respiratory infection
Clinical features of varicella? (4)
- Multiple vesicular lesions over the face and extremities.
- High grade fever
- Prodrome of respiratory infection
- Dew drop on a rose petal rash vesicles rupture leaving crusts but no scars.
Patient who drank water from a nearby store developed rice watery stools over the next 2 days.
Pathogenesis of cholera?
Elaboration of an enterotoxin which acts on bowel mucosal cells .
What is the organism involved in cholera ?
Vibrio cholera
Nodular lesions called gummas are seen in what type of syphillis?
How are fatal abnormalities caused by Rubella?
Crossing the placenta early in pregnancy and infecting the fetus
Major criteria in Dukes Criteria?
- Evidence of cardiac involvement by 2D Echo
- Positive blood cultures
Laboratory test that is most helpful in establishing the diagnosis of RF?
Anti-streptolysin O titer
Most common trigger of hematophagocytic lymphohistiocytoma.
Epstein-Barr Virus
Morphological atypical keratinocytes described as enlarged cells with eccentric , pyknotic nuclei surrounded by a perinuclear halo found in HPV infection?
Characteristic finding of Malignant Hypertension in a case of Tertiary Syphilis?
Tree- bark appearance of the ascending aorta
Stages of Inflammatory Response in lobar pneumonia? (4)
Congestion: red, heavy, boggy lung
Red hepatization: massive, confluent exudation with neutrophils , red cells and fibrin
Gray hepatization